Personal Reasons, Unwavering Hope
Fred Hutchinson, a revered Major League Baseball player and manager, died of cancer in 1965 at the age of 45. His brother, renowned surgeon and scientist Bill Hutchinson, MD, turned his grief into action and dedicated Fred Hutch Cancer Center in honor of his life and enduring spirit.
The Hutchinson brothers’ legacy still drives us, and the urgency of our patients — and hopes of our community — galvanize us.

Personal Reasons, Unwavering Hope
Fred Hutchinson, a revered Major League Baseball player and manager, died of cancer in 1965 at the age of 45. His brother, renowned surgeon and scientist Bill Hutchinson, MD, turned his grief into action and dedicated Fred Hutch Cancer Center in honor of his life and enduring spirit.
The Hutchinson brothers’ legacy still drives us, and the urgency of our patients — and hopes of our community — galvanize us.
We are focused on the future and more optimistic than ever. Here are three reasons why:
We’ve cured “incurable” cancers.
Developing bone marrow transplantation — one of the greatest success stories in cancer treatment — took researchers with grit and commitment, compassionate clinical teams, and courageous patients and families.
We’re passionate about discovery.
With curiosity-driven science, each hard-won answer generates entirely new questions, building a foundation of knowledge that powers remarkable leaps.
World-changing breakthroughs are within reach.
You bring in the best minds. You give them access to the coolest technology and the best possible data. Incredible things happen.
Your Reasons Power Progress
Our community inspires us to pursue scientific breakthroughs that will lead to life-changing advances. Find out how some of our supporters are turning their 'why' into impact.