Seeing the impact
Jepson explained how she watched that benefit come to life.
“In one of the first pilot projects that our endowment helped fund with a small grant, researchers found mutations they can now target,” she said.
This pilot study, led by researcher Zhe Ying, PhD, then a postodctoral fellow in the lab of Fred Hutch cellular biologist Slobodan Beronja, PhD, focused on so-called driver mutations, genetic alterations that drive cancer development. While researchers have found upwards of 17,000 mutations in breast tumors, in most of these, it’s not clear which ones are causing the cancer’s formation. Ying’s project identified driver mutations in Pik3ca, a gene involved in many critical cellular functions. His findings support the development of treatments to target these particular drivers and slow cancer growth.
“That’s one of those ways we paid it forward,” Jepson said. “We both liked to give during our lifetime, and with our planned giving going to the endowment, it can hopefully go on forever.”
Since their first donation of $200 in 2005, Lippert and Jepson have contributed nearly $250,000, with others also moved to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to their climbing fundraiser and the endowment they established. Both efforts have accelerated discovery: The climb raised awareness and helped bring research advances to patients, and the endowment continues to fund a new breast cancer pilot study every year — nine so far.
“Lynn was a shameless, tireless fundraiser,” Jepson said. “We traveled the world and were actually in the Antarctic and she came home with 12 emails — she would get money from people that would never share their email with anyone else — and now I'm doing my small part to keep that going.”