Financial Summaries & Impact Reporting

Financial Summary

We believe that nonprofit organizations like Fred Hutch should be both transparent and accountable to the public and our supporters. We therefore provide key financial information below and invite you to contact us if you need more information. All figures in thousands.

Operating Revenues

Fiscal Year 2024

Total: $2,064,034
Graph of operating revenues for fiscal year 2022
turquoise circle

Patient Services
$1,301,802 (63.1%)

dark navy circle

Contracts and Government Grants
$516,304 (25.0%)

 yellow circle

Gifts and Philanthropic Grants
$145,774 (7.1%)

warm purple circle

Investment Income
$34,241 (1.6%)

teal circle

Other Income
$65,940 (3.2%)

Sources of

Sources of philanthropic contributions for fiscal year 2022
turquiose circle

Gifts from Individuals

dark navy circle

Philanthropic Grants

yellow circle

Planned Gifts

teal circle

Fundraising and Community Events

warm purple circle

Corporate Gifts

Operating Expenses

Fiscal Year 2024

Total: $2,102,011
Graph of operating expenses for fiscal year 2022
warm purple circle

Program Services, Clinical
$1,112,183 (52.9%)

dark navy circle

Program Services, Research
$755,730 (36.0%)

teal circle

Management and General
$206,790 (9.8%)

yellow circle

$27,308 (1.3%)

Financial Statements

We also provide copies of key financial documents.

Fiscal year 2023 Consolidated Financial Statement, audited (PDF)
Fiscal year 2022 Consolidated Financial Statement, audited (PDF)*
Department of Treasury tax-exempt notice (PDF)
Letter of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status (PDF)

*Note: Because of the merger of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center into Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, this statement reflects 12 months of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and three months of SCCA financials.


Annual Overviews and Reports

We regularly share organizational highlights and news on our website. Information about current Fred Hutch leadership is also available.

Annual overviews of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center’s work and operations, as well as historical overviews for our legacy organizations (prior to our April 1, 2022, merger), are provided below.

Sharing What We Learn

The News section of our website provides the latest highlights of our research and care and its impact, as well as stories about members of the Fred Hutch community.

Through events and outreach activities, we also help our experts engage directly with the public.

Every dollar makes a difference

Fred Hutch's annual IRS Form 990 forms are prepared by Clark Nuber, PS. Fred Hutch's annual consolidated financial statements are audited by KPMG. Please contact us to request copies, or to answer any questions you may have:

Philanthropy Office

Kelly O'Brien

Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer