Skin Cancer

You are at the center of everything we do at Fred Hutch Cancer Center. Here, we surround you with a team of specialists who work together closely to provide expertly targeted, complete care and compassionate support throughout your treatment and beyond.

We guide you every step of the way, combining our deep clinical expertise in every type of skin cancer with a commitment to meet your unique needs.

Why Choose Fred Hutch for Skin Cancer Treatment?

Comprehensive Treatment Options

Our physicians are experts in the full spectrum of skin cancer treatments, including immunotherapies (such as checkpoint inhibitors), cryosurgery, laser therapy, curettage and electrodessication, Mohs surgery, radiation therapy and topical chemotherapy. The Multidisciplinary Skin Oncology Clinic brings a team together to take care of you.

Skin Cancer-Specialized Surgeons

Our skin cancer surgeon team includes experts in surgical oncology, reconstruction and head and neck surgery. This team specializes in the treatment of skin cancer and you can feel confident knowing that the surgeon who cares for you is best-suited for your specific diagnosis.

Skin Cancer Clinical Trials

To give you access to the most innovative therapies, we unite the leading researchers and cancer specialists of Fred Hutch and UW Medicine so you can take part in skin cancer clinical studies not available everywhere.

Where You're Treated First Matters Most

Studies have shown that patients evaluated and treated at a multidisciplinary cancer center, like Fred Hutch, have better outcomes — and that the first treatment you receive for cancer is by far the most important. Patients who begin treatment at Fred Hutch often have better outcomes than those who started treatment elsewhere.

A National Leader in Cancer Care

Fred Hutch is the leading cancer treatment center in the region and among the top nationally, according to U.S. News & World Report.

NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center

We are a comprehensive cancer center, a designation from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that reflects our scientific leadership and the depth and breadth of our research to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.

Learn About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. When it’s detected and treated early, the cure rate is high. Fred Hutch offers comprehensive treatment from a team of experts who specialize in all types of skin cancers.

Facts & Resources

Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer can usually be treated successfully if it’s detected early. 

Fred Hutch offers comprehensive skin cancer care at the Multidisciplinary Skin Oncology Clinic, including advanced treatments and new options available only through clinical studies. A diagnosis of cancer can feel overwhelming. We have an experienced, compassionate team ready to help. 


Skin Cancer Care Team

At Fred Hutch, you receive care from a team of providers with extensive experience in your disease. Your team includes physicians, a patient care coordinator, a registered nurse, an advanced practice provider and others, based on your needs. You also have access to experts like registered dieticians, social workers, acupuncturists, psychiatrists and more who specialize in supporting people with cancer or blood disorders.

Care Team

Early Detection

Melanoma can spread quickly to other organs, and it causes the vast majority of skin cancer deaths in the United States. So it’s especially important to detect this type of skin cancer early, when treatment is most likely to be successful. 

The five-year survival rate for people whose melanoma has not spread is expected to be 98 percent. Once it has spread, the survival rate drops significantly, especially if cancer has reached distant parts of the body.  

Latest Treatments and Clinical Trials

Fred Hutch was formed, in part, to bring promising new treatments to patients faster. For skin cancer patients, this means more treatment options than you might find elsewhere, including the chance to participate in one of many ongoing clinical trials conducted at Fred Hutch and UW Medicine.

Many patients at Fred Hutch receive promising therapies by taking part in clinical trials. These research studies are done by physician-scientists from Fred Hutch and UW Medicine. They test new treatments or new ways to use current treatments.

Every advance in cancer treatment in recent years has come out of clinical trials. We offer more active clinical trials than anywhere else, which means more treatment options for patients like you.

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