Your Work Can Support Our Work
Workplace giving through a payroll deduction is an easy, efficient and cost-effective way to support Fred Hutch’s work to improve cancer prevention, treatment and care. Many companies encourage charitable giving through combined giving campaigns and will match your gift — doubling or even tripling your lifesaving impact.
Rev up your work computer, grab your coffee and help cure cancer!
Matching Gifts: Double Your Impact

Workplace Giving Benefits
Workplace giving benefits you as well as Fred Hutch. Advantages include:
- An easy way to support breakthrough research every year
- Pretax payroll deductions (when available) that make the most of your dollars
- A powerful opportunity to educate people about Fred Hutch's work
To find out more, see the Workplace Campaigns section below or contact your human resources department to see if Fred Hutch is included in your giving campaigns. If we aren’t, please add us to your existing campaign — or start a new one!
Bring Fred Hutch to Your Office
Our staff can help boost your campaign by speaking at a campaign event, staffing a booth, sending campaign materials or leading tours of our campus for your colleagues.
Call us at 206.667.4399 to learn more.
Private workplace campaigns
Microsoft Corporation, Boeing Company, Costco, Liberty Mutual, Russell Investments and many other groups have Fred Hutch listed as a charity on their private campaign or allow employees to write in a pledge to Fred Hutch.
United Way campaigns
United Way campaigns allow you to write in Fred Hutch as your charity of choice if it is not already listed.
Combined Federal Campaigns (CFC)
(for Federal civilian, postal and military employees)
Phone: 202.606.1800
Fred Hutch’s CFC#: 10192
Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD)
(for active and retired state employees)
Fred Hutch’s CFD#: 0315947
Washington State CFD Office
Phone: 360.902.4162
University of Washington CFD office
Phone: 206.616.3678
King County Employee Giving Program (KCEGP)
(for King County employees)
Phone: 206.263.9405
Fred Hutch’s KCEGP#: 2712
One Call for All
(for residents of Bainbridge Island, WA)
Phone: 206.842.0659
Additional campaigns
If your campaign is not listed here, check with your campaign coordinator or human resources department to find out if you can write in Fred Hutch as your charity of choice.