About Science Education Outreach (SciEd)

Fred Hutch is a leading research institution dedicated to promoting an inclusive environment and enhancing diversity among the next generation of scientists through participation in our training and educational programs. Our training opportunities reflect the many biomedical disciplines and research interests pursued at Fred Hutch. We have a wide variety of programs that introduce teachers, undergraduates, and high school students to the thrills and challenges of scientific research and the types of careers available at a major research center.


Teachers Have Participated
Working In Labs Side-by-Side with Scientists in our Summer Program


Students Trained Annually
High School and Undergraduate Students Trained at Fred Hutch


Middle and High School Students
Participate in Hands-on Molecular Biology Kit Loan and Curriculum Program Annually


Participating Students
Identify as Belonging to a Group Underrepresented in Science

Key Science Education Audiences

high school students working in a lab

High School Students

For high school students who are interested in science, hands-on experience alongside pioneering researchers in biological sciences, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, cancer prevention, epidemiology and biostatistics can be life-changing. 

High School Student Programs
Researcher, David Hockenbery with student

Undergraduate Students

We offer an array of internships to undergraduates and recent college graduates who are interested in a career in science, medicine and research.

Undergraduate Student Programs
teacher participating in Science Education Partnership


Fred Hutch offers scientific professional develop oppotunities for teachers including a 3-week summer program and two intensive 2-summer research programs aimed at giving teachers scientific research experiences that they can bring back to their classrooms.

Teacher Programs

Looking for a program? 

Compare our student and teacher offerings.

Campus Tours, Visits, and Speakers

To learn more about opportunities for campus tours, visits, and speakers and to make a request please visit our SciEd Educational Experiences page.
Our team will check the availability of your request and reply with instructions on how to secure your request. 


Data Science/Computational Bio

Much of today’s biology involves analyzing large dataset and developing and using computational tools. We aim to prepare students for careers in this fast-growing area by offering a number of programs that focus on computational biology, bioinformatics, and biostatistics. These range from our introductory programs for high school students (Girls Who Code, Coding for Cancer) to partnerships with the Biostatistics program in Public Health (SeattleStatGrows) for undergraduates. Many of our student research programs have data science components and we also partner with the Data Science Lab (DaSL) on their education efforts. Additionally, we collaborate with the Fred Hutch DEI Core on REACH (Research Equity Advancement in Cancer with HBCUs) program to bring students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to Seattle for internships in Computational Biology labs.

Hutch Advance

Careers Awareness, Engagement, and Launch Programs

Fred Hutch relies on employees with wide variety of skills working in a broad number of roles to achieve towards our mission. Through our Hutch Advance program, we are committed to increasing awareness of the many STEM-adjacent, administrative, and technical jobs and career pathways available across our organization. We work closely with institutions of higher learning through our Fred Hutch 2-year College Advisory Board and our relationships with local colleges and universities. 


Fred Hutch is fortunate to work with committed partners and collaborators who ensure the success of our educational programs and allow students to pursue their dreams. Many donors contribute to one or more science education programs at Fred Hutch. For donors to specific programs, please see the corresponding program web pages. We also acknowledge donors who have made general gifts to science education at Fred Hutch, including:

Science Education Needs Your Support

Science Education Staff and Advisors

Kristen Bergsman, PhD

Kristen Bergsman, PhD

Program Manager, Hutch Teacher Fellowship
Lori Blake

Lori Blake

Project Manager, Summer High School Internship Program and Pathways Undergraduate Researchers Program
Jeanne Chowning, PhD

Jeanne Chowning, PhD

Associate Vice President, Science Education
Marilyn Drennan

Marilyn Drennan

Program Co-Director, Summer Undergraduate Research Program and Cancer Undergraduate Internship for NMSU Graduate Students
Rebecca Borders

Violet Ettie

Research Administrator
Gennifer Goode, PhD

Gennifer Goode, PhD

Program Manager, High School Explorers, Explorers Virtual Interns and Tour Visits
Kenson Jean

Kenson Jean

Project Manager, Summer High School Internship Program and Pathways Undergraduate Researchers Program
Mary Grace Katusiime, PhD

Mary Grace Katusiime, PhD

Program Manager, Hutch Advance
Vanessa Knutson, PhD

Vanessa Knutson, PhD

Lab Manager/Project Manager, Science Education Partnership
Cecilia Moens, PhD

Cecilia Moens, PhD

Professor, Basic Sciences Division
Faculty Advisor, Science Education Partnership
Johnnie Orozco, MD, PhD

Johnnie Orozco, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Clinical Research Division
Faculty Program Director, Summer High School Internship Program and Pathways Undergraduate Researchers Program
Hanako Osuga

Hanako Osuga

Program Manager, Coding for Cancer, Database Specialist , SciEd
Megan Shippen

Megan Shippen

Program Assistant, Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Julian Simon, PhD

Julian Simon, PhD

Associate Professor, Clinical Research Division
Faculty Program Co-Director, Summer Undergraduate Research Program and Cancer Undergraduate Internship for NMSU Graduate Students
David Vannier, PhD

David Vannier, PhD

Sr. Staff Scientist, Summer High School Internship Program and Pathways Undergraduate Researchers Program
Regina Wu

Regina Wu

Sr. Program Manager, Science Education Partnership
Fred Hutch Cancer Center campus

Contact Science Education

For general inquiries, please contact Science Education.