Hutch Advance

Designed to Match Student Interests with Workforce Needs

The Hutch Advance initiative is a cross-divisional effort designed to foster critical research-adjacent careers in technical and administrative areas at Fred Hutch. It addresses broad workforce needs by fostering awareness of wide range of careers and by creating intentionally designed pathways of opportunity for young people.

While many existing student programs emphasize traditional academic pathways to scientific research careers, similar programs for other important career areas are lacking. Working with community partners (including school districts and two-year colleges) ensures that we have a strong pool of candidates and allows students, especially those furthest from opportunity, to become engaged with our work.

Across Washington state, policy and business leaders recognize the need to support and prepare local students for jobs in our region. Students need pathways that provide career awareness as well as extended internships and "learn and earn" career launch opportunities and that are intentionally coordinated with their education.

Overview of Initiatives

one person looking through a microscope while another looks on

HutchCAN: Hutch Career Awareness Network

The Hutch Advance - Career Awareness Network (CAN) for high school students provides students in the MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement) with an overview of the many different careers within a major Seattle non-profit organization. The program will pilot in Spring of 2024 and will consist of weekly 2-hour sessions over the course of 8 weeks. Each week, students will tour different areas within Fred Hutch and interact with professionals in various careers who play an integral role in the functioning of the organization. Participating groups include Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities, Marketing & Communications, Philanthropy, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement, Shared Resources, Research Administration, and the Prevention Center (Nutrition Lab and Exercise Physiology).

Learn more about HutchCAN
Intern working in a lab

LabLaunch: Fred Hutch/Shoreline Community College Lab Tech Program

Fred Hutch Science Education, the Washington Alliance for Better Schools, and the Shoreline Community College Biotech Program have collaboratively developed LabLaunch, a comprehensive Lab Tech Certificate program that provides a longer "learn and earn" internship to employment pathway for students. The program begins with students' Running Start enrollment in the Shoreline Biomanufacturing program, and  includes a paid summer internship at Fred Hutch intentionally integrated with their coursework. This program is Career Launch endorsed by Career Connect Washington.

Learn more about LabLaunch
Shared Resources/Research Administration

PACE: Program for Advancing Career Exploration

The Hutch Advance PACE Program is a shorter introductory experience that provides career awareness and exposure to a wide range of positions available at Fred Hutch. Organized and led by staff from Shared Resources/Research Administration and the Office of Scientific Career Development, the program partners with local two- and four-year colleges to showcase different careers at Fred Hutch to undergraduates that do not require a PhD or MD. Students visit campus for several hours one day a week over the course of five weeks. They can explore careers in areas ranging from Flow Cytometry and Proteomics to Clinical Research Support.

Learn more about PACE
Program Interns

HAPPI: Hutch Advance Philanthropy Program Internship

The Hutch Advance Philanthropy Program Internship is a 10-week, paid experience in fundraising and philanthropy, allowing undergraduate students to learn about exciting career opportunities in the field and gain real-world experience. Interns will learn about programs and activities led by Fred Hutch’s Philanthropy team, which is responsible for raising funds from individuals, corporations, and foundations to support our mission to prevent and eliminate cancer and infectious disease.  

Learn more about HAPPI

"We envision a future where those who are inspired by the mission of Fred Hutch have an increased awareness of the great variety of job opportunities available at our organization as well as clear, scaffolded pathways to those jobs."

— Hutch Advance Team

Initiative Contacts

Jeanne Chowning

Jeanne Chowning, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President, Science Education, Office of Education and Training
Mary Grace Katusiime

Mary Grace Katusiime, Ph.D.

Career Exploration and Workforce Development Program Manager, Science Education, Office of Education and Training