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Eliminating Health Care Disparities
As part of our commitment to health equity at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, our Health Equity Program is working to address health disparities to combat institutional and systemic racism in health and cancer care.
Mission Statement
To eliminate health care disparities within Fred Hutch’s patient population and improve the experience of our patients, families and communities by working collaboratively across the enterprise to dismantle structures that contribute to health inequities.
Health equity means that all of our patients have fair and just access to the medical care they need. To be truly equitable, we must challenge existing power structures and systemic and societal factors that create obstacles to high-quality care for everyone.
We Ask Because We Care
A crucial first step to identifying health disparities and providing the highest quality of care is understanding the identities of Fred Hutch's patients. The Health Equity Program partners with scheduling staff and clinical care teams to collect demographic information from our patients.
Learn more about We Ask Because We Care.
Health Equity Steering Committee
The purpose of the Health Equity Steering Committee (HESC) is to provide oversight of health equity activities across Fred Hutch Cancer Center. HESC is responsible for the development and prioritization of the organization’s health equity pillars which consist of a set of goals, objectives, and tactics to advance health equity for patients as well as research participants and collaborators from the community. The HESC ensures the Health Equity Program is effective in identifying and reducing disparities within clinical care delivery and for evaluating the Inclusion and Equity in Research (IER) Program's impact on identifying and reducing disparities within research and clinical trials. The HESC members represent various disciplines including clinical, research, administrative staff and patients across the organization.
Health Equity Team
The Health Equity Team operates at the intersection of anti-racism principles and practices, social justice, patient experience, and quality improvement.
Through these lenses, they advise, collaborate, and lead projects and initiatives with the aim of improving internal systems and processes for equitable patient care.
Team Members

Tiffany Go, MPA (she/her)