Valet Parking

Is Valet Parking Required?

Valet parking is optional for all patients and families in South Lake Union Clinic Building 1. Self-parking is also available in the same garage.

Clinic Building 2 is valet only. If self-parking is preferred, please park in Clinic Building 1. The two clinic buildings are connected by a walkway.

There is no additional charge for valet service. Parking fees are the same, regardless of whether you choose to self-park or use valet parking. Please note that tipping for valet service is not allowed.

For those who use valet parking, all our attendants follow our strict infection prevention policies.

How Do I Use Valet Parking?

Clinic Building 1


Valet is located on levels C and D in the Clinic Building 1 parking garage. Drop your car off on either level in the designated valet area. An attendant will take your car keys and give you a corresponding valet ticket. The ticket must be given to an attendant to receive your keys back at the end of your visit, so please keep your ticket with you.


You will pick your car up in the same location it was dropped off – on either level C or D of the Clinic Building 1 parking garage. You will give the attendant your valet ticket and they will bring your car around to the valet pick up area. Payment will be taken at the booth when exiting the garage.

Clinic Building 2


Drop your car off in the clinic’s clearly designated valet area. An attendant will take your car keys and give you a corresponding valet ticket. The ticket must be given to an attendant to receive your keys back at the end of your visit, so please keep your ticket with you.

Note: Clinic Building 2 has an automated parking structure that uses a mechanical system to stack vehicles vertically to limit space. This means that no people or animals will be able to remain inside your car if you’re using the Clinic Building 2 garage.


You can pay the valet attendant directly at the drop off/pick-up location on level A. You will give the attendant your valet ticket. They will bring your car to the valet pick-up area located on level A just outside of the elevator entrance.

What are the Valet Parking Hours of Operation?

Valet is only offered on weekdays. In Clinic Building 1, the valet hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., subject to change. For Clinic Building 2, hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., subject to change.

After Hours Pick-up

Keys that are not picked up by 6 p.m. will be at the security desk on the main floor of Clinic Building 1, which is open 24 hours. Once you present the valet ticket, you will receive your keys, and a security officer will guide you to your car on level C of the parking garage. You will pay the booth attendant in the garage until 8 p.m. After 8 p.m., parking is complimentary.

What if I Lose my Valet Ticket?

If a valet ticket is lost, you will be asked to complete a lost ticket form and provide proof of identity to validate vehicle ownership with the registration. Any lost tickets will incur the full rate for parking of $4.

Should I Tip?

Please do not tip, as our policy doesn’t allow our workforce to accept cash or cash equivalents (gift cards, cashier’s checks, etc.) regardless of value.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center 'The Vessel'
