Fred Hutch Cancer Center - Proton Therapy is located on the campus of UW Medical Center - Northwest in North Seattle. It provides an advanced, precise form of radiation treatment for adult and pediatric cancer patients.
1570 N. 115th St.
Seattle, WA 98133
Phone: 206.306.2800
Request an Appointment | Refer a Patient | Directions and Parking | Meet Your Care Team
Request an Appointment
Call: 206.306.2800
Hours: Monday - Friday (except holidays), 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Time
Refer a Patient
Referring providers can refer their patient to Fred Hutch by calling.
Phone: 206.306.2800
Directions to our Proton Therapy Facility
The UW Medical Center - Northwest campus is located between Aurora Avenue North and I-5 on North 115th Street, near Northgate Mall.
From I-5
- Take exit 173. Turn west onto Northgate Way.
- Turn right (north) onto Meridian Ave. N.
- Turn left (west) onto N. 115th St.
- The main entrance is on your right; enter there. Our proton therapy facility is the first building on your left.
Parking on the north and west sides of the building is labeled 'Proton Parking'.
Public Transit
Metro Route 345 provides direct bus service to the UW Medical Center - Northwest campus. For details see Metro’s Trip Planner.
COVID-19 Information
At Fred Hutch, our patients' health and safety are our top priorities.
For updated information on COVID-19 as it relates to our clinics and community: