Advanced Practice Provider Fellowship

Developing the Next Generation of Hematology/Oncology APPs

The Advanced Practice Provider Oncology Fellowship, offered through Fred Hutch Cancer Center and the University of Washington Medical Center, is a 12-month, post-graduate program for physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs). The program is designed specifically for new graduates who are motivated to work in oncology as well as current advanced practice providers (APPs) who want to transition to oncology but have minimal exposure to this specialty.

Two fellowship areas of focus are offered: one in general oncology/hematology, the other in acute care oncology/hematology.

Fellowship At-a-Glance

  • 12-month program
  • Includes an annual salary of $94,000, medical and dental benefits and CME support
  • 40-hour average work week; fellows may need to work evenings or weekends
  • Up to six fellows will be selected

Attend an Information Session

If you have questions about the fellowship, sign up to attend one of the information sessions below by sending an email to In the email subject line, please include your name and the date of the session you want to attend. After you register, we will send you a link to attend the online session.

  • January 9, 2025: 8 – 8:30 a.m. (PT)
  • January 14, 2025: 9 – 9:30 a.m. (PT)
  • January 21, 2025: 12 – 12:30 p.m. (PT)
  • February 11, 2025: 5 – 5:30 p.m. (PT)
  • February 18, 2025: 12 – 12:30 p.m. (PT)

Important Dates

  • Applications will be accepted through March 21, 2025
  • Interview invitations will be sent to selected categories no later than end of day, March 26, 2025
  • Interviews will be held on April 1, 2025
  • Fellowship start date is November 3, 2025

Questions? Please contact

Program Overview

Clinical staff in discussion

Clinical Training

APP Fellows spend 60-70% of their week in the clinic with APP or Physician preceptors.

Staff member working on computer

Didactics Learning & Academic Time

Fellows have ~30% of their time weekly dedicated to didactic learning or self-study. The program includes 15-20+ hours monthly of didactic.

Viewing scientific poster

Professional Development

Fellows will demonstrate scholarly competence with submission of a professional project (abstract, poster presentation, journal article, oral presentation at a conference).

Components of the Fellowship


During the first month, fellows complete required certifications and modules, meet with clinical leadership and attend department orientations and lectures. 

Core Clinical Rotations

Fellows will participate in six to seven half-day clinics per week throughout the associated rotations. At the end of the fellowship, there is an elective rotation, lasting approximately eight weeks. The fellow identifies the service or services they want to pursue and the leadership team will design a custom rotation to match those interests. 

Example of General Oncology Core Clinical Rotations
Core RotationsDuration
Orientations/Boot Camp4 Weeks
Hematology Oncology


  • Myeloma
  • Lymphoma
4 Weeks


  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia
  • Classical Heme
4 Weeks
Renal Melanoma
Skin Oncology
4 Weeks
Breast Oncology
Breast Health
4 Weeks
Thoracic Head and Neck4 Weeks
Gastrointestinal Oncology4 Weeks
Genitourinary Oncology4 Weeks
Gynecology Oncology
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
2 Weeks
Inpatient Heme Oncology (Platinum)
Infectious Disease
Oncology ICU
3 Weeks
Neuro Oncology2 Weeks
Sarcoma4 Weeks
Elective/Area of Specialization
Fellow's Choice8 Weeks
Expected Fellowship Vacation time10 Days
Expected Fellowship CME Time5 Days

The acute care track is designed to provide extensive and multifaceted training to prepare APPs for self-reliant management of patients requiring acute or urgent care. The program is structured to develop proficiency in inpatient and acute care services, while gaining exposure to general oncology practices.

Example of Acute Care Core Clinical Rotations
Core RotationsDuration
Acute Care Evaluations and Infusion7 weeks + interspersed with Gen Onc rotations
Inpatient Heme Oncology (Platinum)7 Weeks
Inpatient Adult Bone Marrow Transplant
Inpatient Immunotherapy
7 Weeks
Outpatient Immunotherapy4 Weeks
Orientations/Bootcamp4 Weeks
Infectious Disease
Oncology ICU
Palliative Care
Interspersed with rotations
Gastrointestinal Oncology
3 Weeks
Genitourinary Oncology2 Weeks
Thoracic Head and Neck2 Weeks
Renal Melanoma
2 Weeks
Breast Oncology2 Weeks
4 Weeks
Elective/Area of Specialization
Fellow's Choice8 Weeks
Expected Fellowship Vacation time10 Days
Expected Fellowship CME Time5 Days

Complimentary and Specialty Clinics

In addition to the core rotations within each area of focus, fellows will broaden their skills by participating in supplementary and specialty clinics throughout the fellowship.

Supplementary Clinics

This refers to clinics that are relevant to a specific rotation. Fellows will participate in one to four half-days of these supplementary clinics. Examples of offerings in the general oncology area of focus include a supplementary clinic in skin oncology during the renal melanoma rotation and a supplementary clinic in oncology ICU during the inpatient oncology rotation.

Specialty Clinics

Fellows will also participate in specialty clinics throughout the fellowship. Specialty clinics are not associated with a specific rotation and are designed to help the fellow gain experience, understand and gain confidence regarding important, and often difficult, areas related to oncology-related care, such as communicating difficult news during end-of-life care or evaluating and managing patients with urgent care or psychological needs.

Continuity Clinics

The fellowship includes three continuity clinics, each lasting three months. Each week, fellows will spend a half day with a preceptor, providing continuous care to a group of patients. Fellows may choose the type of rotations they prefer. 


Each fellow is paired with an experienced APP at the beginning of the fellowship who will mentor them throughout the year. 

Fellowship Fridays

Every Friday morning, fellows meet for didactic learning. This may include evaluating case studies and engaging in simulations, participating in live APP-led lectures and discussions, researching and/or taking part in clinical workshops. Fellows will also have professional check-ins with the fellowship co-directors and leadership at this time.

Program Completion

At the end of the program, fellows will receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating their proficiency in providing exemplary, comprehensive and diverse patient-centered care to oncology patients. 

End-of-Year Lecture

During the last few months of the fellowship, fellows will work with program leaders to develop a presentation on a topic of their choice. Fellows will then deliver this lecture to their APP colleagues.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions or need more information, contact us.