Students explore how to use biotechnology equipment, how to micropipette, and how to perform gel electrophoresis, analyzing various samples from dyes to DNA.

Kit Description
The Gel Kit contains 8 Horizon gel electrophoresis boxes, 4 power supplies, 2 microcentrifuges, a complete set of 32 micropipettes, 8 of each volume range. It also comes with all the reagents and consumables needed for students to explore micropipetting and gel electrophoresis.
- SEP has 12 Horizon Gel Electrophoresis Kits
- Each Gel Kit has 3 crates and a freezer box for DNA and reagents
- Labs are designed for 8 groups of 4 (32 students total). Make sure to tell us if your class is significantly larger in size
- SEP teachers who have their own equipment may request to receive supplies only
Curriculum and Units Supported by the Gel Kit

Intro to Micropipetting
In this lesson, students are introduced to micropipetting. They will explore how a micropipette works, what the various ranges of different micropipettes are, how to read and adjust the volume, and how to properly use a micropipette.

Electrophoresis Exploration
In this lesson, students learn about the equipment used in gel electrophoresis and the chemical properties behind its function. Through this inquiry lab, they will learn about the concepts of conductivity, pH, and buffer chemistry.

Dye Electrophoresis Lab
In this lesson, students learn about dye chemistry and how to separate complex mixtures of molecules by size, shape, and charge using gel electrophoresis analysis.

Precut DNA Lab
In this lesson, students connect concepts about DNA and enzymes by running gel electrophoresis analysis on pre-cut DNA and observing different banding patterns created by different enzymes.

Molecular Scissors
In this lesson, students will use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific locations. Students perform their own restriction enzyme digests and analyze the resulting banding patterns in their gels.

Elephant Ivory Cache Unit
Explore how to integrate ecology, ethics, and biotechnology into a biology classroom by using current research on African elephant conservation. Students have opportunities for evidence-based argumentation as they collectively determine the source of poached ivory through a DNA lab experience.

DNA Exoneration
This unit uses multiple DNA exoneration case studies as a way for students to explore modern day forensics, the criminal justice system, and mass incarceration in the U.S.

Elephants and Cancer
Carry out an investigation using gel electrophoresis and bioinformatics to determine the presence/absence and relative quantity of TP53 in multiple animals. This is Lesson 2 in the Elephants and Cancer Lesson Sequence.

HLA Typing
In this lab from Lessson 7 of the Frontiers: Intro to Cancer Unit students students use DNA technology to find Hina a match for a bone marrow transplantation.

COVID-19 Molecular Testing Lab
Examine patient samples after performing gel electrophoresis analysis to determine if their patient is positive, negative, or inconclusive for COVID-19 infections based on the RT-PCR method tests that detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This lab is from Lesson 2 of the COVID-19 Testing Lessons.
Kit Sign Up Process
NOTE: Please give us a minimum of two weeks’ advance notice so we can process your request.
1. Complete Online Demographic Form (only needs to be done once, skip if already filled out) Estimated numbers are OK.
2. Fill out either the SCHOOL-YEAR KIT REQUEST form or SUPPLIES-ONLY form:
3: Confirmation Email: Once we have your items scheduled we will send a preliminary email summarizing your items and dates for pick up and drop off.
How to Pack Crates
Yes, Gel Kit crates can be a pain in the . . . But! There's hope. Here are three guides, one for each crate. If items just aren't behaving, it's better to put them in a separate container (box, grocery bag) and bring them in that way. We would rather have them returned separate and intact, rather than together, smooshed and broken.