Share Your Obliteride Story

Spread the word and share why YOU Obliteride! Your story inspires people everywhere to sign up, support our Obliteriders and teams, and advance our lifesaving mission. Please send us a photo or short video about why you Obliteride. Are you walking the 5K and fundraising to honor a loved one? Biking 100 miles? Planning to volunteer? We can’t wait to share your story!

Here are few tips for creating videos we can use!

  • Place your phone or device in a horizonal (landscape) position, at eye level or slightly higher.
  • Keep the sun or source of light in front of you.
  • Grab the best sound you can. Headphone mics work better than phone mics. Don’t worry about the cord.
  • Make sure to start with your name!
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By submitting this form, you agree to permit your photo or video image to be used in Fred Hutch Obliteride promotional materials. We can't use every story, but we're so glad you took the time to share!