Michael Emerman, PhD

Dr. Michael Emerman PhD

Michael Emerman, PhD

Professor, Human Biology Division, Fred Hutch

Human Biology Division, Fred Hutch

Professor, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutch

Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutch

Fax: 206.667.6523
Mail Stop: C2-023

Dr. Michael Emerman studies how our cells interact with HIV and related retroviruses. Over millennia, our cells and the cells of other primates that are susceptible to retrovirus infection have evolved strategies to rebuff the viruses. In turn, retroviruses like HIV have evolved their own strategies to overcome our defenses. Dr. Emerman charts the course of this evolution, examining how HIV adapted to humans from its origins as a primate retrovirus. Understanding ancient viral infections can give clues to our ability to resist — or succumb — to HIV. Insights into effective cellular antiviral defenses could also shed light on avenues for development of potential future antiretroviral therapies.

Other Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Editor, PLoS Pathogens

Associate Editor
PLoS Pathogens

Affiliate Professor, Department of Microbiology, UW

Affiliate Professor
Department of Microbiology, UW

Affiliate Professor, Department of Global Health, UW

Affiliate Professor
Department of Global Health, UW


Postdoc, Pasteur Institute (France)

PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

BS, Ohio State University

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Dr. Emerman in the News

Bottleneck breakthrough

Hutch News - October 03, 2024

Panning for gold in a dependent-sea of genes

Science Spotlight - March 20, 2023

COVID-19 Research at Fred Hutch