Mark Groudine, MD, PhD
Deputy Director Emeritus
Fred Hutch
Professor and Director Emeritus
Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutch
Dr. Mark Groudine studies how cells turn genes on and off, and how changes to these processes can lead to cancer. He has shown that the packaging and 3D organization of DNA changes by type of tissue, and that this influences gene expression. Dr. Groudine’s work led to the discovery of a region of DNA that helps to control the expression of hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting protein in red blood cells. A specific type of anemia, called thalassemia, occurs when this region of DNA is missing. Similar DNA regions have been discovered for other genes and have been implicated in other diseases, including a type of lymphoma. Dr. Groudine served as director of the Hutch’s Basic Sciences Division from 1995 to 2004, deputy director of Fred Hutch from 1997 to 2016, executive vice president from 2005 to 2016, and as acting president and director of Fred Hutch in 2010 and 2014.
Other Appointments & Affiliations
Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of WashingtonProfessor, Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Washington
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology
University of Washington School of Medicine
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1976
MD, University of Pennsylvania, 1975
"The people in my lab are truly my colleagues, and an essential aspect of my job is making sure their accomplishments are recognized."
— Dr. Mark Groudine