Joshua T. Schiffer, MD, MSc

Dr. Joshua T. Schiffer MD, MSc
faculty member

Joshua T. Schiffer, MD, MSc

Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch

Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch

Professor, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutch

Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutch

Member, Translational Data Science Integrated Research Center (TDS IRC), Fred Hutch

Translational Data Science Integrated Research Center (TDS IRC), Fred Hutch

Fax: 206.667.6366
Mail Stop: E4-100

Dr. Joshua Schiffer is an infectious disease physician and researcher who develops mathematical models to address significant medical challenges. A major focus of his work is to analyze strategies to achieve an HIV cure in people who require antiviral drugs for their entire lifetime, due to reservoirs of latent virus. These models assess the potential of a wide variety of potential curative technologies. Dr. Schiffer and colleagues also use mathematical modeling to study how T cells help control numerous herpes viruses that cause disease in healthy people and in cancer patients with compromised immune systems. They develop models to explain when and how latent viruses reactivate and use models to optimize the effectiveness of antiviral drugs. His team is also focusing on COVID-19, including developing models of the immune response against the coronavirus and the best treatment strategies.

Other Appointments & Affiliations

Attending Physician, Infectious Disease Consulting Service, Fred Hutch

Attending Physician, Infectious Disease Consulting Service
Fred Hutch

Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Washington

Professor, Department of Medicine
University of Washington


MS, Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2009

MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2002

Research Interests

Describing the quantitative and dynamical features of human pathogens and immune responses

Pathogenesis of HSV-2 infection

Applying models to optimize viral eradication strategies, and to use models to capture kinetic features of the human microbiome

Current Projects

HIV Cure

Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Dynamics

Tissue Resident T Cells

Viral Dynamics in Infants

Microbiome Dynamics

Viral Infections in Cancer Patients

Find an Active Clinical Trial Led by Dr. Schiffer

COVID-19 Research at Fred Hutch