Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and Fred Hutch physicians and researchers who are leaders in in blood and marrow transplantation will present their research at the Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings (TCT, formerly the BMT Tandem Meetings). TCT are the combined annual meetings of the American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT) and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR). The full scientific program addresses the most timely issues in hematopoietic cell transplantation for investigators, clinicians, laboratory technicians, clinical research professionals, nurses, pharmacists, administrators and allied health professionals who attend the meetings.
Doctors at the Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program at SCCA have performed more than 15,000 blood and marrow transplants—more than any other institution in the world. Fred Hutch teams first developed clinical use of bone marrow transplants more than 40 years ago, under the direction of E. Donnall Thomas, MD, who won a Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work.
The following is a selection of presentations by SCCA physicians.
Wednesday, February 20
Time: 9 – 9:30 a.m.
Speaker: Marie Bleakley, M.D., Ph.D.
Title: Advances in Graft Engineering for GVHD Reduction
Session: Innovation in the Prevention and Treatment of GVHD
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center - GRB-Grand Ballroom ABC
Time: 12:53 – 1:30 p.m.
Speaker: Scott Baker, M.D., M.S.
Title: Setting up a Survivorship Delivery of Care Model for Small-to-Medium-Sized Centers
Session: Meet-The-Professor Session 2 Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Rm 346 AB
Time: 2:15 – 2:20 p.m.
Speaker: Stephanie Lee, M.D., M.P.H.
Title: BMT CTN 1702 Session: (BMT CTN Coordinators) Round Tables Session II
Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Ballroom of the Americas C
Time: 6:45 – 7:45 p.m.
Session: Poster Session I: Acute and chronic leukemia (AML, MDS, MPD ALL, CML, CLL) – Clinical
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center - GRB-Exhibit Hall B3
Speaker: Mohamed Sorror, M.D., M.Sc.
Title: Limitations to Receiving Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Large Multi-Center Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study
Speaker: Janghee Woo, M.D., P.hD.
Title: Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) for Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia: Clinical, Cytogenetic, and Mutational Risk Factors Associated with Survival
Thursday, February 21
Time: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Speaker: Steven Pergam, M.D., M.P.H.
Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Ballroom of the Americas DE
Friday, February 22
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Speaker: Guang-Shing Cheng, M.D.
Time: 5:45 – 6:15 p.m.
Speaker: Paul J. Martin, M.D.
Title: Treatment of Chronic Graft‐versus‐host Disease—Progress to Date and Challenges Ahead
Session: (CIBMTR) Mortimer M. Bortin Lecture
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center - GRB-Grand Ballroom ABC
Saturday, February 23
Time: 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Speaker: Paul Carpenter, M.D.
Title: Post-Transplant Immune Reconstitution, IVIG and Vaccinations
Session: (CEC) Immune Reconstitution/Post-Transplant Immunizations
Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Ballroom of the Americas AB
Time: 1:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Speaker: Marco Mielcarek , M.D., Ph.D.
Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Ballroom of the Americas AB
Time: 6:45 – 7:45 p.m.
Session: Poster Session II: Infectious Diseases and Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center - GRB-Exhibit Hall B3
Speaker: Michael Boeckh, M.D., Ph.D.
Title: Quantifying Cytomegalovirus-Specific T Cell Responses Prior to Hospital Discharge Allows Risk Stratification for Late Viral Reactivation after Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Speaker: Jim Boonyaratanakornkit, M.D., Ph.D.
Title: Early Respiratory Viral Acquisition after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT)
Speaker: Elizabeth Duke, M.D., M.A.
Title: Determination of Optimal Viral Kinetic Markers for Predicting Antiviral Treatment Effect for the Prevention of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Disease after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) Using Machine Learning and a Novel Non-Parametric Estimation Method
Speaker: Joshua Hill, M.D.
Title: Oral Brincidofovir Decreased HHV-6 Viremia in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients: Results from the Suppress Study
Title: Retrospective Case-Control Study of the Performance of Cell-Free Plasma Sequencing to Detect Invasive Mold Infections in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients with Pneumonia
Time: 6:45 – 7:45 p.m.
Session: Poster Session II: Late Effects and Quality of Life
Speaker: Rachel Salit, M.D.
Title: Guidelines and Support for Return to Work after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center - GRB-Exhibit Hall B3
Sunday, February 24
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Speaker: Masumi Ueda, M.D., M.A.
Title: CMV Viral Load after Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (PBSCT) and Posttransplant High-Dose Cyclophosphamide (PTCy)
Session: Oral Abstract - Session M - Infection and Immunity Where: Hilton Americas Houston - Grand Ballroom A