SCCA's team approach ensures safety amid COVID-19

Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) leaders responded to the COVID-19 outbreak with unprecedented speed, thoughtful consideration and collaboration. Rapidly established COVID-19 infection prevention protocols allowed our staff to provide compassionate care while protecting our patients from the pandemic. At the forefront of our response, Dr. Steve Pergam, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Dr. Catherine Liu, Associate Medical Director of Infection Prevention, share key insights from ground zero of the outbreak in the U.S.

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Lessons from Our Infection Prevention Leaders on Covid-19

  • Telemedicine and virtual appointments support physical distancing and safety
  • Screening patients and staff for respiratory symptoms each time they enter the clinic contains exposure
  • Off-site drive through testing stations by appointment successfully minimize exposure for patients and staff
  • Protocols for triaging patients with symptoms are key to providing appropriate care            
  • Treating COVID positive patients requires specific guidelines to minimize the risk of exposure

Strategies for Healthcare Workers to Enact 

  • Practice hand hygiene
  • Stay home while sick to protect patients and our community
  • Maintain physical distancing (6 ft.) when possible
  • Use appropriate PPE
  • Use a cloth mask when in public to help prevent transmission
  • Educate your patients about protective measures they can take

As our community begins to re-open, our dedication to keeping patients safe remains a top priority. SCCA’s infection prevention team is closely monitoring the number of cases reported by health authorities. We are well-prepared to handle fluctuations of cases, remaining nimble and collaborative in our response.

View SCCA's COVID-19 guidelines and protocols.

This page includes guidelines and other tools our providers use in caring for Seattle Cancer Care Alliance patients. The information presented in the documents is subject to change pending guidance from the CDC, WHO and/or Public Health – Seattle & King County. If you are a non-SCCA provider and would like to use any content on the page, please request permission by emailing

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