Chow eager to test new cancer drugs

Canadian oncologist brings phase 1 expertise to Clinical
Dr. Laura Chow
Dr. Laura Chow Clinical Research Division

Dr. Laura Chow, an oncologist from Ontario with experience directing phase 1 clinical trials, has joined the Clinical Research Division. At the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, she will treat lung, head and neck and esophageal cancer patients. 

After attending medical school at the University of British Columbia, Chow completed her residency at the University of Alberta. Chow’s oncology fellowship followed at the University of Calgary’s Tom Baker Cancer Center, and she did a phase 1 clinical trial and drug development fellowship at the University of Colorado.

Most recently, Chow designed and ran a number of early stage drug trials at Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Center while maintaining an oncology clinical practice.

“I have a strong passion for phase 1 drug development and for treating lung cancer, and feel that the Center is a fantastic, renowned institution that has wonderful staff and great support for research,” said Chow, who is also an assistant oncology professor in the University of Washington’s Department of Medicine.

Chow said she looks forward to research opportunities in both developmental therapeutics/phase 1 studies and in thoracic malignancies.

“Laura will be a bridge between the lung, head and neck group and the phase 1 group,” said Dr. Renato Martins, SCCA’s medical director of thoracic/head and neck oncology. “The development of new drugs will expand options to our patients.”

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