The Hutchinson Center will receive $75,000 for melanoma research thanks to the generosity of Microsoft executive and software architect Craig Wittenberg and his wife, Gretchen.
Wittenberg, who was instrumental in developing a fundamental aspect of Microsoft’s Office and Windows operating systems, was a recipient of the company’s technical achievement award for 2011. Each year, Microsoft contributes to the honoree's charity of choice; Wittenberg wanted his award to benefit the Center for research in melanoma, a disease that has touched his family.
Wittenberg shares the annual technical recognition award with colleague Rick Hill. Together they helped develop software that led the way for modern computing platforms.
To date, Microsoft has made $6.8 million in charitable contributions on behalf of its technical award winners. In 2010, the Center received $36,000 as a result of a technical award given to David Kays, a member of the Windows Update team.