The Fred Hutchinson/University of Washington Cancer Consortium has awarded six pilot grants for 2013. The Consortium presents Cancer Center Support Grant pilot awards every year to fund new research directions and collaborations among its members.
In a very competitive process, and after careful consideration, a committee selected the winners from 51 submissions.
Each grant is for $66,600, plus facilities and administrative costs. The 2013 grants will support a diverse range of inquiries from the following investigators:
- Dr. Joachim Deeg, Clinical Research Division: "Prevention of GVHD and Enhancement of GVT Effect by Alpha 1 Anti-trypsin"
- Dr. Vivian Oehler, Clinical Research Division: "The Genomics of Primary Myelofibrosis and its Impact on Megakaryocytes and Fibrosis"
- Dr. Doek-Ho Kim, University of Washington Bioengineering, and Dr. Jonathan Cooper, Basic Sciences Division: "Nano-Mechanical Matrix Guidance Cues and Rho Signaling Promotes Cancer Cell Migration"
- Dr. Linda Ko, Public Health Sciences Division: "Cancer Communication Within Social Networks"
- Dr. Brian Iritani, UW Comparative Medicine: "Regulation of Cancer Metabolism and Tumor Cell Survival by Fnip1"
- Dr. Oliver Press, Clinical Research Division: "Antibody-Targeted Nanoparticles for Lymphoma Treatment"
In an era of tight National Institutes of Health funding, CCSG pilot grants are a particularly important mechanism supporting investigators as they gather critical data to substantiate a future NIH grant.
The next CCSG pilot competition will take place in early 2014. For more information, contact Dr. Marion Dorer, Consortium administrator, at mdorer@fhcrc.org or (206) 667-3001.