New insights into bladder cancer genetics — and treatment?
Hsieh and a team of investigators including co-first authors Drs. Brian Winters and Navonil De Sarkar examined tumors from seven patients with advanced bladder cancer who donated tissue through the rapid autopsy program. In four of the patients, the original tumors arose in the bladder. In the other three, the primary tumors began in the tubes, called ureters, that connect the bladder and kidneys. They also compared patients’ metastatic tumors to their original tumors.
The researchers found differences in the mutations that appeared to drive the formation of upper-tract tumors that arose in the ureters versus lower-tract tumors that arose in the bladder. Large chromosomal changes were more common in tumors from the upper bladder tract. Tumors that arose in the lower tract were more likely to share common mutations among different patients.
Many of the mutations they found created changes that theoretically could be targeted with drugs. This suggests that these kinds of analyses could help guide patient care by alerting oncologists to which drugs are most likely to be effective against an individual patient’s disease. And, the team found that for almost three quarters of these so-called druggable mutations, the same mutation was found in every one of a patient’s metastases.
“This is encouraging,” said Hsieh. “It suggests doing a biopsy on one metastasis could suggest what’s there — and druggable — in all of them.”
The grain of salt, he cautioned, was the fact that the other 30% of potentially druggable changes were not shared among all of an individual patient’s metastases.
The findings also deepened the researchers’ understanding of how metastatic bladder cancer develops, a first step toward finding new ways of combating it. Hsieh’s team found that metastases from patients with upper-tract tumors appeared to be seeded by cells from the original tumor that carried rare mutations.
A vision of a global research effort
Though this first study is small, the team has big plans for the future of the UW/Fred Hutch bladder cancer program. The team is now analyzing tumors from 19 more patients who have donated tissue. Researchers involved in the program are working to answer questions that have dogged the field, including determining which combinations of mutations drive the most aggressive forms of the disease, and develop better alternatives to standard biopsies.
“The ultimate goal is to develop this into a program that provides … researchers worldwide [the opportunity] to learn more about the most advanced stage of disease,” Hsieh said.
The work was supported by philanthropy at Fred Hutch from a few generous individuals and Seattle Translational Tumor Research.