When coronavirus trumps cancer
“It’s very important to protect our staff and our immunosuppressed patients,” said Fred Hutch's Dr. Gary Lyman, a lead investigator on the COVID19-cancer registry study. “If cancer patients get infected, they’re more at risk for life-threatening complications. We want to avoid COVID-19 infection if at all possible.”
Lyman said oncologists across the country are reinventing cancer care for the COVID-19 era, rescheduling noncritical procedures, surgeries and visits; using telemedicine where possible; opting for oral medications over infusions if doable and rewriting policy on the fly to help keep high-risk cancer patients out of the ER and harm’s way.
“These are desperate times which require desperate measures,” he said.
Sapien, diagnosed at 40, had her scheduled single mastectomy this week. But her reconstruction was postponed and her request for the prophylactic removal of her other breast — a common practice — was deemed “elective” and denied.
“Doing a double [mastectomy] increases your operating room reservation, knocking somebody out of a spot,” she said. “They’re trying to use the OR for critical cases. Normally, I would have the choice, but this isn’t a normal time. And I get that.”
Dr. Julie Gralow, who serves as clinical director of the Breast Medical Oncology program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and does research for both Fred Hutch and the University of Washington, said she and colleagues are discussing surgery delays and treatment swaps with patients and rescheduling prevention screenings like mammograms, bone-density tests and colonoscopies.
“We are totally triaging,” she said.
Those with fast-growing breast cancers — think triple negative and HER2 positive — receive the exact same standard of care: preoperative chemotherapy. But those who have slower-growing cancers such as ER positive and HER2 negative will mostly likely be put on endocrine (anti-hormone) therapy first instead of having surgery.
“I’m still starting chemo if it’s warranted, but we’re doing the minimum amount of surgery and no reconstruction, not even putting in tissue expanders,” she said. “The more surgery, the higher the likelihood of complication or infection. Our priority at this time is to keep patients out of surgery and out of the hospital. We need to protect the OR space and the ventilators and the potential ICU beds, and we need to preserve resources like masks and gowns and gloves.”
Is it safe to delay treatment or surgery?
Many patients can safely have their therapies delayed or switched around to avoid clinic visits and exposures, Gralow said, adding that there’s "good trial data” on using endocrine therapy preoperatively in postmenopausal women with breast cancer, the most common cancer in women in the U.S.
“In the vast majority of people, preoperative endocrine therapy stabilizes or shrinks the cancer,” she said. “We’ll aim to give it for three to six months to delay the surgery.”
Other breast cancer patients may safely have the order of treatments swapped, as “no trial has ever shown that the order of chemo and surgery impacts survival,” Gralow said.
Those with metastatic cancer, in treatment for life, might also be able to take a “drug holiday,” she said.