SEATTLE — Jul. 2, 2002 — A little more than half of Western Washington physicians listed in the latest edition of The Best Doctors in America are faculty physicians who practice at institutions managed by, or affiliated with, the University of Washington School of Medicine, including Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington Medical Center and the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System.
There are 251 such physicians on the list of 500 Western Washington physicians. Many of the physicians see patients at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, the "host" for oncology patient-care services delivered by Children's, Fred Hutchinson and the UW.
The current listing,The Best Doctors in America (Copyright 2001 by Best Doctors, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.), is the result of the fifth survey undertaken by Best Doctors, Inc. To compile the current database, more than 30,000 doctors throughout the United States were asked to rate the clinical abilities of other doctors in their areas of specialization. Only physicians who earned the consensus support of their peers were included. Listings cannot be bought.
Among about 500 Western Washington listings this year, 251 are full-time UW physicians. Many of the others have part-time teaching responsibilities with the UW School of Medicine, and practice elsewhere.
The following list includes many of the places that the individual physicians may practice: Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC), Harborview Medical Center (HMC), University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) and and Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System (VAPSHCS).
Allergy and Immunology
Leonard C. Altman (HMC, UWMC)
Garrison Hubert Ayars (UWMC, HMC)
Clifton T. Furukawa (Children's)
Hans D. Ochs (UWMC Children's)
Gail Greenberg Shapiro (Children's)
Frank S. Virant (Children's)
Paul V. Williams (Children's)
Alan Artru (UWMC, HMC)
Stephen H. Butler (UWMC)
H. S. (Cliff) Chadwick (UWMC, HMC)
Frederick W. Cheney (UWMC, HMC)
Bruce F. Cullen (HMC, UWMC)
W. Thomas Edwards (HMC, UWMC)
Lucinda L. Everett (HMC, UWMC, Children's)
Charles M. Haberkern (UWMC, Children's)
Arthur M. Lam (HMC, UWMC)
Anne Lynn (UWMC, HMC, Children's)
Lynn D. Martin (HMC, UWMC, Children's)
Rosemary Jean Orr (UWMC,Children's)
L. Brian Ready (UWMC, HMC)
Bruce D. Spiess (UWMC)
Arnold Baas (HMC, UWMC)
Marshall Corson (HMC, UWMC)
Cardiovascular Disease
Larry S. Dean (UWMC, HMC)
Daniel P. Fishbein (UWMC, HMC)
J. Ward Kennedy (VAPSHCS)
Peter Kudenchuk (UWMC, HMC)
Catherine Otto (UWMC)
Alan S. Pearlman (UWMC)
April Stempien-Otero (UWMC)
Douglas T. Stewart (UWMC, HMC)
Philip H. Fleckman (UWMC)
Julie Francis (UWMC, Children's)
Bernard Goffe (UWMC)
John Everett Olerud (UWMC, HMC)
Virginia P. Sybert (UWMC, Children's)
Eating Disorders
David Scott Weigle (HMC, UWMC)
Endocrinology and Metabolism
William J. Bremner (UWMC)
Alan Chait (UWMC, HMC)
Irl B. Hirsch (UWMC)
Jerry P. Palmer (VAPSHCS, UWMC)
R. Paul Robertson (UWMC, HMC)
Family Medicine
Sharon A. Dobie (UWMC)
Robert L. Carithers, Jr. (UWMC)
Martin L. Greene (UWMC, HMC)
Michael Kimmey (UWMC, HMC)
Kris Kowdley (UWMC, HMC)
William A. Pearce (UWMC, HMC)
Charles Edward Pope II (UWMC, HMC)
Alexandra Elizabeth Read (UWMC)
Christina M. Surawicz (HMC, UWMC)
Jane Todaro (Children's)
Geriatric Medicine
Itamar B. Abrass (HMC, UWMC)
Wayne C. McCormick (HMC, UWMC)
May J. Reed (HMC, UWMC)
Infectious Disease
Ann Collier (HMC, UWMC)
Lawrence Corey (FHCRC, HMC, UWMC)
H. Hunter Handsfield (HMC)
King K. Holmes (HMC)
Elaine C. Jong (UWMC)
Walter E. Stamm (UWMC, HMC)
Marvin Turck (HMC, UWMC)
Internal Medicine (General)
Janis D. Bridge (UWMC)
David C. Dale (UWMC)
Dawn E. DeWitt (UWMC)
Diane Doerner (UWMC)
David C. Dugdale III (UWMC)
Bruce C. Gilliland (UWMC, HMC)
Deborah L. Greenberg (UWMC)
Mary Beth Laya (UWMC, HMC)
Douglas S. Paauw (UWMC, HMC)
James Findlay Wallace (UWMC, HMC)
Joyce E. Wipf (VAPSHCS, UWMC)
Medical Genetics
Virginia P. Sybert (UWMC)
Medical Oncology and Hematology
Frederick R. Appelbaum (FHCRC, UWMC)
John A. Hansen (FHCRC, UWMC)
Robert B. Livingston (UWMC, FHCRC)
Stephen Hans Petersdorf (UWMC, FHCRC, HMC)
Oliver Press (FHCRC, UWMC)
Suhail Ahmad (UWMC)
William G. Couser (UWMC, HMC)
Connie Davis (UWMC, HMC)
John C. Stivelman (HMC, UWMC)
Richard A. Zager (FHCRC, HMC)
Neurological Surgery
Richard Ellenbogen (Children's)
Robert Goodkin (VAPSHCS, HMC)
Michael Kliot (UWMC, HMC)
John D. Loeser (UWMC, HMC, Children's)
George A. Ojemann (UWMC, HMC)
David T. Pitkethly (HMC)
Theodore S. Roberts (Children's)
Christopher I. Shaffrey (UWMC, HMC, Children's)
Daniel L. Silbergeld (UWMC, HMC)
Thomas D. Bird (VAPSHCS, UWMC)
James D. Bowen (UWMC, HMC)
Michael Copass (HMC, UWMC)
W. T. Longstreth, Jr. (HMC, UWMC)
Christina M. Marra(HMC, UWMC)
Phillip D. Swanson (UWMC, HMC)
Neurology, Child
Phillip F. Chance (UWMC, Children's)
Stephen T. Glass (Children's)
Jerrold M. Millstein (Children's)
Brien W. Vlcek (Children's)
David Mankoff (UWMC, HMC)
Satoshi Minoshima (UWMC, HMC)
Wil B. Nelp (UWMC, HMC)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Thomas J. Benedetti (UWMC, HMC)
Zane Brown (UWMC, HMC)
Edith Yee Tak Cheng (UWMC, HMC)
Thomas R. Easterling(UWMC, HMC)
David A. Eschenbach (UWMC, HMC)
Barbara A. Goff (UWMC, FHCRC, HMC)
Benjamin E. Greer (UWMC, FHCRC, HMC)
Gretchen M. Lentz (UWMC, HMC)
Michael Roy Soules (UWMC, HMC)
Mark J. Greenwald (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Daniel J. Karr (UWMC)
James L. Kinyoun (UWMC, HMC)
Martha M. Leen (UWMC)
James C. Orcutt (VAPSHCS, UWMC, HMC)
Bryan S. Sires (HMC, UWMC)
Craig G. Wells (UWMC)
Steven Eugene Wilson (UWMC, HMC)
Orthopaedic Surgery
Stephen K. Benirschke (HMC, UWMC)
James D. Bruckner (UWMC, HMC, Children's)
Jens Chapman (HMC, UWMC)
Ernest U. Conrad III (UWMC, HMC, Children's)
Douglas Paul Hanel (HMC, UWMC)
Sigvard T. Hansen, Jr. (HMC, UWMC)
Martin G. Mankey (UWMC, HMC)
Frederick A. Matsen III (UWMC, HMC)
Vincent S. Mosca (UWMC, Children's, HMC)
M. L. (Chip) Routt, Jr. (HMC, UWMC)
Bruce J. Sangeorzan (HMC, VAPSHCS, UWMC)
Douglas G. Smith (HMC, UWMC)
Kit M. Song (Children's, HMC, UWMC)
Larry Duckert (UWMC, HMC)
Neal Futran (UWMC, HMC)
George A. Gates (UWMC, HMC)
Allen Hillel (VAPSHCS, UWMC, HMC)
Andrew F. Inglis, Jr. (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Scott C. Manning (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Kathleen C. Y. Sie (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Ernest A. Weymuller, Jr. (UWMC, HMC)
Ellsworth C. Alvord, Jr. (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Pediatrics (General)
Jill Allen (Children's)
Jon R. Almquist (Children's)
Cora C. Breuner (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
David C. Brunelle (Children's)
Ruth A. Conn (Children's)
Steven W. Dassel (Children's)
Kathryn Hansen Del Beccaro (Children's, UWMC)
Kenneth W. Feldman (Children's, UWMC)
Jeannie Larsen (Children's)
Rhonda L. Levitt (Children's)
Ourania Malliris (Children's)
Edgar K. Marcuse (Children's)
Richard S. Mauseth (Children's)
Kathryn Mikesell (Children's)
Stuart Allen Minkin (Children's)
Mel Morse (Children's)
Gordon S. Naylor (Children's)
Tracie M. O'Neill (Children's)
Hal Cooper Quinn (Children's)
Frederick Rivara (HMC, Children's, UWMC)
Bill S. Schnall (Children's)
Nancy S. Schuette (Children's)
Donald L. Shifrin (Children's)
Terri G. Smith (Children's)
Gary B. Spector (Children's)
Robert W. Telzrow (Children's)
Mitchell B. Weinberg (Children's)
Margaret A. Wheeler (Children's)
Jeffrey A. Wright (Children's, UWMC)
Kyle E. Yasuda (Children's)
Pediatrics (Specialties)
Jane L. Burns (Children's, UWMC)
Dennis L. Christie (Children's, UWMC)
Kenneth W. Feldman (Children's, UWMC)
J. Russell Geyer (Children's, , UWMC)
S. Paul Herndon (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Thomas K. Jones (Children's, UWMC)
C. Patrick Mahoney (Children's)
Richard S. Mauseth (Children's)
Richard A. Molteni (Children's)
Thomas W. Pendergrass (Children's, UWMC, FHCRC)
Bonnie W. Ramsey (Children's, UWMC)
Gregory J. Redding (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Jean E. Sanders (FHCRC, Children's, UWMC)
C. Ronald Scott (Children's, UWMC)
David D. Sherry (Children's)
F. Bruder Stapleton (Children's, UWMC, HMC )
James Geoffrey Stevenson (Children's, UWMC)
Jane Todaro (Children's)
Carol A. Wallace (Children's)
Sandra Lee Watkins (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Jerry J. Zimmerman (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Kathleen Reilly Bell (UWMC, HMC)
Diane D. Cardenas (UWMC, HMC)
Barry Goldstein (UWMC, HMC)
George H. Kraft (UWMC, HMC)
Lawrence R. Robinson (HMC, , UWMC)
Walter C. Stolov (UWMC, HMC)
Plastic Surgery
Loren H. Engrav (HMC, UWMC)
Joseph S. Gruss (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Nicholas B. Vedder (HMC, UWMC )
Soo Borson (UWMC)
Deborah S. Cowley (UWMC, HMC)
David L. Dunner (UWMC, HMC)
Wayne J. Katon (UWMC )
Murray A. Raskind (VAPSHCS, UWMC )
Richard Ries (HMC, UWMC)
Peter P. Roy-Byrne (HMC, UWMC)
Gary J. Tucker (UWMC, HMC)
Richard C. Veith (UWMC)
Nicholas G. Ward (HMC)
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
J. Randall Curtis (HMC, UWMC)
Leonard D. Hudson (HMC, UWMC)
David J. Pierson (HMC)
Ganesh Raghu (UWMC)
Kenneth P. Steinberg (HMC)
Radiation Oncology
Mary Austin-Seymour (UWMC)
Wui-Jin Koh (UWMC)
George E. Laramore (UWMC)
Kenneth Russell (UWMC, FHCRC)
Eric Effmann (Children's, UWMC)
J. David Godwin (UWMC, HMC)
Jeffrey G. Jarvik (UWMC, HMC)
Kenneth R. Maravilla (UWMC, HMC)
Daniel E. Furst (UWMC, HMC)
Gregory C. Gardner (UWMC, HMC)
Peter A. Simkin (UWMC)
Mark H. Wener (UWMC)
Robert F. Willkens (HMC)
Alexander W. Clowes (UWMC, HMC)
Kaj Henry Johansen (UWMC, HMC)
Gregory Jurkovich (HMC, UWMC)
Ronald V. Maier (HMC, UWMC )
Carlos A. Pellegrini (UWMC, HMC)
James Perkins (UWMC, HMC)
Robert S. Sawin (Children's, HMC, UWMC)
Mika Sinanan (UWMC, HMC)
David Tapper (Children's, UWMC, HMC)
Surgical Oncology
Benjamin O. Anderson (UWMC, FHCRC)
David Roland Byrd (UWMC, , HMC)
Roger E. Moe (UWMC, HMC)
Carlos A. Pellegrini (UWMC, HMC)
Thoracic Surgery
Edward Verrier (UWMC, Children's, HMC)
Douglas E. Wood (UWMC, HMC)
Richard E. Berger (UWMC, HMC)
Paul Henry Lange (UWMC, FHCRC, HMC)
Christopher L. Marsh (UWMC, HMC)
Michael E. Mayo (UWMC, HMC)
Michael E. Mitchell (Children's, UWMC)
Media Contact
Susan Edmonds
(206) 667-2896
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Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of two Nobel Prize laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution dedicated to the development and advancement of biomedical technology to eliminate cancer and other potentially fatal diseases. Fred Hutchinson receives more funding from the National Institutes of Health than any other independent U.S. research center. Recognized internationally for its pioneering work in bone-marrow transplantation, the center's four scientific divisions collaborate to form a unique environment for conducting basic and applied science. Fred Hutchinson, in collaboration with its clinical and research partners, the University of Washington Academic Medical Center and Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, is the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in the Pacific Northwest and is one of 38 nationwide. For more information, visit the center's Web site at