Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Nurse Selected as Fellow – American Academy of Nursing

SEATTLE — June 26, 2017 — This is the first time in SCCA’s history that a nurse has achieved Fellow – American Academy of Nursing status, or FAAN.

“Kathleen has dedicated her career to advancing the practice standards that are critical for the delivery of excellent nursing care throughout the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance,” said Norm Hubbard, Executive Vice President of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

Shannon Dorcy joins the ranks of nearly 2,400 internationally recognized FAAN nursing leaders representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 24 countries. The American Academy of Nursing will induct its next group of Academy fellows during its annual policy conference in October in Washington, DC.

Invitation to participate in FAAN reflects recognition of individual achievements in the nursing profession in education, management, practice and research. Upon selection and achievement of FAAN, Fellows contribute time and talent to the American Academy of Nursing to transform health policy and practice through nursing knowledge. Shannon Dorcy plans to dedicate time and energy to the reduction of health care disparities.

Shannon Dorcy attributes her selection to the Academy to mentoring and support she received from others across the continuum of her practice. “My career accomplishments have not been realized alone. My family, my colleagues and students have all contributed greatly to my professional career success,” said Shannon Dorcy.

Shannon Dorcy currently holds three professional titles: Director of Clinical Nursing Research Education and Practice for Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Staff Scientist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (“Fred Hutch”), and Senior Lecturer at the University of Washington School of Nursing in Tacoma, where she has taught for the past 25 years.

Shannon Dorcy joined SCCA Alliance Partner Fred Hutch as a Research Nurse on the bone marrow transplant team in 1989, where she worked with Dr. Fred Appelbaum. "I have had the pleasure of working closely with Kathleen and watching her excel at every level, from helping me run my clinical trials, to developing her own independent research and ultimately leading other nurses to create their own research careers,” said Appelbaum, now the Executive Vice President and Deputy Director of Fred Hutch. “All of us are grateful to have Kathleen as a colleague.”

Earning a Ph.D. in Oncology Nursing from the University of Utah, she obtained a Master’s degree in Nursing in Community Health and Ethics from the University of Washington and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Seattle University.

Shannon Dorcy continues to dedicate her career to the pursuit of nursing excellence and her leadership roles include the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy, and the Daisy Foundation Scholarship Review Board and collaborating with nurses in Guam and Uganda. Her published and presented works include more than 35 articles in journals that include the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Advances in Nursing Science and presentations at more than 80 conferences.

“Kathleen is a legend who dedicates her time and talents to influence nursing excellence with the purpose to ameliorate the suffering caused by cancer,” said Dr. Theresa M. McDonnell, Chief Nurse Executive, and Vice President of Clinical Operations at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. “She influences and continually reflects an unwavering commitment to delivering the most compassionate patient care, while pursuing a quest to improve treatment outcomes through research. We are grateful to benefit from the example she sets every day in all of her work and interactions.”

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