Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Nurses Presenting at the 2022 Oncology Nursing Congress

SEATTLE —  April 27, 2022 —  “Our nursing team is essential to defining our organization’s approach to providing our patients the best care possible,” said Terry McDonnell, DNP, ARNP, MSN, Chief Nurse Executive and Vice President of Clinical Operations at SCCA. ”Their dedicated efforts to deliver outstanding patient care is achieved by continuously improving processes and clinical practices; their learnings being presented at this year’s ONS meeting add to the body of knowledge for nursing colleagues at cancer centers across the country.

ONS is a professional nursing association committed to promoting excellence in oncology nursing. The congress is the society’s annual conference and is considered the largest conference dedicated to nursing oncology.

The following is a selection of presentations by SCCA nurses who will be presenting their research at the 47th ONS Congress:

“Assuring competency across diverse clinical satellite,” #10923

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Amy Boswell MSN, RN OCN, Tammy Arce, Melissa Farleigh RN, Glenda Gottfred RN, Rae Niculescu MN, RN, and Hanahlyn Park MN, RN. Acknowledgements: Kathleen Shannon Dorcy PhD, RN, FAAN, Felirose Dolor ON, Katheryn Christainsen, Laura Birmingham-Williams RN, BSN, MBA

“Investigating home infusion pump malfunctions and identifying solutions,” #11473

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Amy Hansen, Caitlin Mills RN, Purna Nanayakkara MHA/MD(MBBS), MCH, CPHQ, Amy Boswell MSN, RN OCN

“Root Cause Analysis of Adverse Reactions to Paclitaxel,” TBV 

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Amy Hansen, Phuong Tran RN, OCN, Purna Nanayakkara MHA/MD(MBBS), MCH, CPHQ, Megan Brain, Melissa Farleigh RN

“Process Improvement for Completion of Advance Care Planning in Radiation Oncology Ambulatory Clinic,” #11281 

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Anna Du Pen, RN, MN, CHPN, Berit Madsen, MD, Kristina Gates

“Washington State to Washington DC: Dynamic Dialogue Between Policy Influencers and Oncology Nurses,” #11184

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Arlyce Coumar RN, OCN, Kathleen Shannon Dorcy PhD, RN FAAN

“Where's the beep? Investigating home infusion pump malfunctions to prevent disruptions in patient care,” TBV 

  • Type: Podium/Oral
  • Authors: Brittani Clay BSN, RN, OCN, Amy Boswell MSN, RN OCN

“Reflective Practice for Dealing with Empathic Distress in New Resident Oncology Nurses,” #11277

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Dana Malick MN, RN, CMSRN, Rev. Amanda Hansen, MDiv, BCC, CT, Briana Sanger, MSN, RN, OCN, Kathleen Shannon Dorcy, PhD, RN, FAAN

“Designing Delegation in a Clinical Trials Unit,” #11340

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Eileen An MN, BSN, RN, OCN, Kimberly Ito, RN

“Improving Patient Access to Novel Therapies by Creating and Implementing a New Clinical Readiness Model,” #11045

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Eleni Rokakis, BSN, RN, Samson Deal, BSN, RN, Hana Porter, BSN, RN, Elizabeth Stohr, MSN, RN, Leslie Blackwell, BSN, RN, Rachel Weber, Mentor: Terri Cunningham MSN, RN, AOCN

“Oral and Peripheral Cryotherapy: Translating Evidence into Nursing Practice,” #11346 

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Kim Ito, RN, and Phuong Huynh BSN, RN

“The RN First Call: Does Increased Preparation Prior to First Consult Help?” #11646

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Laura Birmingham-Williams, RN, BSN, MBA, Amy Boswell MSN, RN OCN, Justin DeMars, Farnoush Abar MD, MPH Acknowledgements: Kathleen Shannon Dorcy PhD, RN, FAAN, Mary Buhler, Sharol Kidd, BSN, MBA-HL, RN, Krissy Gates, Brittani Clay, BSN, RN, OCN, Linda Ross, RN, Janelle Wagner, RN, OCN, Kelle

“A Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Program in an Academic Oncology Ambulatory Clinic,” #11244

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Lyndsey Conway, Kathleen Shannon Dorcy PhD, RN, FAAN, Sharol Kidd, BSN, MBA-HL, RN, Naomi Heinecke, LPN, Rikka Quinanola, MA, Loo Hilzer, Katheryn Christiansen

“Creating an On-Line Repository to Align and Support Oncology Infusion Nursing Practice Across an Organization,” #11268

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Michelle Mitchell, MN, RN, OCN Phuong Huynh, BSN, RN, Kim Ito, RN, Anna Petersen, Jennifer Singer MSN, RN, OCN

“Advancing Oncology Nursing Practice Through Writing a Manuscript,” TBV

  • Type: Podium/Oral
  • Authors: Phuong Huynh, BSN, RN, Jill Williams BSN, RN, OCN

“Sequential Hazardous Drug Wipe Testing in an Ambulatory Comprehensive Cancer Center,” #10990

  • Type: Poster
  • Authors: Seth Eisenberg, RN, OCN, BMTCN, Xheni Waggonner

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