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2024-2025 Current Biology Seminar Series

2024 - 2025 Current Biology Seminar Schedule

Seminars, Meetings and Clubs

The Basic Sciences Division at Fred Hutch holds many longstanding seminar series, scientific meetings, and journal clubs. All are open to Fred Hutch and University of Washington staff.

Friday seminar lecture room

Friday Afternoon Seminars

A long-held weekly series where trainees and other scientists from the Basic Sciences and Human Biology Divisions share and discuss their research.

When: Fridays, 4 p.m.–5 p.m. (academic year)

Contact: Dominique Soldato


Chromatin Club

Founded as a home for those interested in keeping up with latest in chromatin research, the Chromatin Club is hosted by two of the leading experts in chromatin research, Drs. Steven Henikoff and Toshio Tsukiyama. The club meets once a month and is focused on understanding chromosomal processes, development and disease.

When: The fourth Thursday of the month, 12 p.m.–1 p.m.

Contact: Steve Henikoff or Toshio Tsukiyama

Developing zebra fish nervous system

Developmental Biology Group

Established in 1999 to promote the study of developmental biology, the Developmental Biology Group consists of faculty from the UW Center for Developmental Biology and Fred Hutch’s Developmental Biology Program.

Contact: Cecilia Moens

Developing fruit fly embryo

Seattle Fly Club

The Seattle Fly Club is a regular gathering of UW and Fred Hutch researchers interested in the latest research pertaining to the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Each meeting consists of reports from two labs plus general scientific talks.

When: Three Thursdays each quarter, 6 p.m.–7:30 p.m.

Contact: Jay Parrish

Cells undergoing mitosis

Seattle Mitosis Group

The Seattle Mitosis Group is a collective of eight labs (AkamatsuArimuraAsbury, Biggins, Cabernard, Paredez, Stella and Wordeman), interested in exploring fundamental questions about mitosis, including its structure, regulation and mechanics. Each meeting, a different lab presents on the latest breakthroughs in mitosis research.

When: First Thursday of every month, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. (except July and August)

Contact: Sue Biggins

Protein crystals

Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics Journal Club

A group focused on exploiting molecular structural information to engineer macromolecules for therapeutic applications, including gene correction, vaccine development, and drug discovery. Participating labs include Stoddard, Strong, Bradley, Hahn and Simon.

When: Thursdays, 11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Contact: Barry Stoddard

Chalkboard describing flu evolution

Virus Group

The Virus Group is focused on sharing cutting edge research between labs interested in retroviruses and related areas. Trainees in the participating labs present their work once a year.

When: Thursdays, 9:15–10:15 a.m. (academic year)

Contact: Michael Emerman

NK2436 graph recolored

Seattle Worm Meeting

This is a monthly gathering of 15+ labs (across UW, Fred Hutch, Seattle Children’s and WWU) that primarily use C. elegans as research model. Each meeting comprises of talks from two trainees. 

When: Third Tuesday of the month, 4 p.m.–5 p.m.

Co-contacts: Dana Miller (University of Washington) and  Aakanksha Singhvi (Fred Hutch)