Mia Moore, PhD
Staff Scientist, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology Program
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch
Mathematical modeling of HIV and CoVID epidemiology.
University of Utah, 2015, PhD (Mathematics)
University of Utah, 2009, MS (Mathematics)
Harvey Mudd College, 2007, BS (Mathematical Biology)
Research Interests
Counterfactual estimates of placebo incidence of HIV/CoVID in clinical trial cohorts
Analyzing behavioral and sociological determinants of disease risk to improve targeted interventions
Current Projects
Development of counterfactual placebo incidence for US-based CoVPN studies and for sub-Saharan-African based HPTN studies
Development of HutchCOVID model for the back-casting and fore-casting of CoVID-19 epidemics
Projecting impact of alternative PrEP modalities on HIV epidemic