Long-Term Follow-Up

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Long-Term Follow-Up

Fred Hutch has two Long-Term Follow-Up (LTFU) programs focused on patients who have undergone a bone-marrow or stem-cell transplant and immunotherapy. Services for both programs are provided through the Fred Hutch clinic.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We understand that our BMT survivors may feel anxious about COVID-19.  We are taking measures to make our clinic visits safe through additional screening and COVID-19 testing.  We are following all guidance about personal protective equipment and additional cleaning and are confident that our actions are making a visit to the clinic safe for patients and staff.  There are new practices in place that you will be asked to follow if you have an appointment.

If you have questions regarding how the current COVID-19 risk level impacts your LTFU upcoming or later appointment, call our LTFU Department (206) 667-4415 to discuss them with your care team.

Learn more about Fred Hutch's research on COVID-19

long-term transplant survivor Jay Feinberg

Life-long Monitoring

Fred Hutch's Long-Term Follow-Up (LTFU) program provides life-long monitoring and care for patients following a bone-marrow or stem-cell transplant. Our physicians and researchers work in partnership with a patient's personal doctor to resolve medical problems and gather information for research. This information is used to develop improved strategies for preventing and treating the long-term effects of transplantation, and to educate patients about post-transplant problems.

nurses reviewing patient records in immunotherapy clinic

Ongoing Monitoring and Care

Fred Hutch's Cellular Immunotherapy Long-Term Follow-Up (LTFU) program provides monitoring and care for patients following Cellular Immunotherapy. Our clinicians and researchers work in partnership with patients’ personal doctors and other healthcare providers to resolve medical problems that may develop after cellular immunotherapy and gather information for research. 

Transplant survivors and their loved ones at the 2022 Blood and Marrow Transplant Reunion.

2022 Blood and Marrow Transplant Reunion

We welcomed more than 300 guests to share, learn and celebrate BMT survivors. We also honored Dr. Mary Flowers for her more than 30 years as director of the Long-Term Follow-Up clinical program.

As you have experienced, patients come to Fred Hutch seeking hope and we are committed to delivering personalized care with warmth and compassion in a world-class institution. Our work never stops, and that’s why we rely on generous support from our community. Please consider making a gift with someone in your circle who is passionate about ending cancer. 

Workshops from the reunion event are available to view online

If you have any questions about the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center LTFU program, contact the LTFU team

Latest Long-Term Follow-Up News

All news
37 years of nourishing care Fred Hutch registered dietitian Paula Charuhas Macris reflects on changes and progress in patient care over the years March 21, 2025
Surprising findings about blood cell mutations bode well for transplant recipients Fred Hutch researchers compared blood samples from 16 recipient-donor pairs, some more than 45 years after transplant January 10, 2025
With Fred Hutch from the very start Longtime supporters David and Deborah Lycette are more optimistic than ever that research will vanquish cancer December 10, 2024
A charming model: new tool evaluates risk of transplant for older patients Seven values are evaluated to predict outcomes December 6, 2024

Blood & Marrow Transplantation LTFU

Phone: 206.667.4415
Fax: 206.667.5619 or 800.376.8197

Cellular Immunotherapy LTFU