Clinical Research Specimen Processing

Processing and Storage of Biospecimen Samples

Formerly Specimen Processing Lab (SPL)

Fred Hutch’s Clinical Research Specimen Processing shared resource provides investigators with processing, storage, and distribution of clinical research specimens. Our highly trained staff offers expert specimen handling to researchers in the Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children's Cancer Consortium, as well as researchers from institutions around the world, to advance their clinical research studies.

Our Services

Our specimen processing team offers dedicated laboratory support to large population-based studies, with a strong emphasis on quality control. We provide that critical link between collection and analysis by coordinating directly with study teams to initiate specimen processing, in accordance with individual study lab manuals, and then distribute specimens while maintaining rigorous chain of custody.

Our Team at Work

We work with each investigator to meet the unique needs of their studies. Our goal: to do our part in the development of new treatments that save lives from cancer and related diseases.


Hutch trials
We’ve partnered in more than 500 clinical trials at Fred Hutch alone.


years experience
We bring our deep collective experience into our collaboration with you.


Our biorepositories are in controlled, continuously monitored facilities.

How to Reach Us

Daniel Schullery

Daniel Schullery

Director, Clinical Research Specimen Processing Shared Resource

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday – 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Saturday by appointment 
Sunday and Holidays – Closed

General Contact

For submitting RSSTs or specimen processing or lab questions, email

For study start-up, queries, pull or shipping requests, or pricing, email

Questions will be routed to the appropriate staff and answered by next business day.