Fuel Innovation, Spark Breakthroughs
Innovators Network (IN) is a community of next-generation doers committed to funding cutting-edge research to end cancer and related diseases in their lifetime. IN members give, volunteer, fundraise and rally their personal networks so promising new projects can launch up to six times faster than research funded by government grants alone.
Since its inception, the IN community has collectively raised more than $18 million dollars to fund high-risk high-reward research to help cure cancer faster.
Together we are unstoppable, join IN with a gift today!

Member Engagement
As an IN member, you have direct access to the research you help support through:
- Opportunities to meet world-renowned scientists working on breakthrough research at our free science events.
- Reports on the impact of your investment.
- Recognition of your generosity listed online.
- Invitations to Fred Hutch fundraising events, including IN for the Hutch, our annual party with a purpose.
- The knowledge that your support is propelling innovative ideas into transformative approaches to prevention, detection, treatment, and cures.
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Hope Through Research

Health Equity and Cancer

Tackling “Incurable” Cancer

Fighting Back
Hope Through Research
The Innovators Network Endowed Chair, currently held by Mazyar Shadman, MD, MPH, was created as a catalyst for leading-edge cancer research. It provides sustainable funding to an early-career scientist whose work includes evidence of patient benefit, creativity and novel approaches to research, including collaborative use of data science and/or emerging technology.
“My goal is to really bring what happens in the lab to the patient level, taking the research that is created by scientists at Fred Hutch and translating that to the patient,” Shadman said.
Robin Abraham and Deepa Thomas
Jason Acab
Jennifer and Robert Adair
Ram Aiyar
Ghaith Al Khuzaie
Claudia Ortiz Albert and
Bardo Gonzalez
Maria Alberts
Loren and Joelle Alhadeff
Darby and Zach Allen
Jason Allenberg
Jeff Almario
Christian and Marina Anderson
Kathryn Anderson
Meghan Anderson
Almeera Anwar and Erik Boisen
Michael and Jenny Arnold
Eric and Tami Arnsbarger
David and Alison Ashmead
Kimberley Ryan Aslakson
J. Kent and Dana S. Bailey
Jack and Karen Baker
Keri Balmer*
Mackenzie Banta
Joseph Basirico and Katherine Sather
Jacob Baudin
Marisa Behnke and Corey Ginsberg
Regina Bellody
Erin and Ethan Bernau
Jennifer Berry
Ashley Best
Lorraine Betts
Michelle and Andrew Bevegni
Deborah and Kevin Bhatt
Brandon Blair
Jordan and Tahlia Bliss
Talor Boatsman
Kathryn Boland
Denise and Stephen Bowen
Justin Box
Katie Arezzi Boza
Christina and John Brandenfels
Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey
Ryan Broms and Merrill W. Behnke
Alison Benjamin Brookman
Michele Daniel Brooks
Steve and Jenny Brooks*
Brandon and Nicole Brumage
Kyra Bruns
Lauren Brydon and Nile Nelson
Harman Bual and Muni Sodhi
Paul and Morgan Buckley
Jeremy and Danae Burger
Nick Burgess
The Burkland Family
Eileen Burns
Thomas A. Burnstead
Alexander Busch
Nathan Bushey
Brooke Bussone and Alex Edelsburg
Benjamin Butler
Patrick Cabe
Liza Cahn and Gary Linscott
Carolyn Callaghan
Kim Callahan and Nick Steier
M. Colin Campbell
Melody Campbell
Erica and Jose Campos
Tamara Canero
Lindsey Carlson
Jennifer Carmichael
Kai Carroll
Ty and Stephanie Carson
Mrs. Paige Curley
Dan Curtin
Lauren and Matt Cutchin
Teresa daCosta
Kareena Dahl
Ryan T. Dahle
Stephanie and Douglas Dance
Christopher and Sarah Daniels
Kurt David and Cody Angerman
Madison Davis
Amy Dayton
Scott Dean
Nihar Desai
Alicia DeVoll
Matt and Christina DiFerdinando
Chad and Kristin Dodd
Ryan Dodge, Jr.
Zhao Dong and Yi Chai
Sherri Dotson
Malia Douglas
Becca Doyle
Marianne Dubard-Gault, MD
Nikki DuBrock
Renee and Riley Dudley
Amanda and Kyle Duggan
Elizabeth Duke, MD
Josie Duncan
Brandon Dunn
Brooke and Brian Dunnigan
Kristin Dykes
Justin and Laura Dziama
Ifeanyi Echeruo
Patrick and Tara Egan
Jessica Einfeld
Christine Elling
Anna Elz
David and Margaret Enslow
Jaclyn Esparza
Lauren M. Exnicios
Robert Cuningham
Mrs. Paige Curley
Dan Curtin
Ryan T. Dahle
Christopher and Sarah Daniels
Kurt David and Cody Angerman
Madison Davis
Amy Dayton
Franco De Guzman
Scott Dean
Douglas DeAndrea
Brett and Lara Deits
Peter and Alexandra Demong
Nihar Desai
Jaclyn Deveau
Chad and Kristin Dodd
Elizabeth and James Donaldson
Richard Donelson
Zhao Dong
Sherri Dotson
Marianne Dubard-Gault, MD
Nikki DuBrock
Renee and Riley Dudley
Brandon and Jona Dunn
Brooke and Brian Dunnigan
Kristin Dykes
Laura and Justin Dziama
Ifeanyi Echeruo
Badreddin Edris
Joshua Edwards
Patrick and Tara Egan
Jessica Einfeld
Christine Elling
Catherine Elliott
Allie Ello
Anna Elz
David and Margaret Enslow
Justin and Alexis Erickson
Innovators Network includes three anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
David Faden
Ashley Farley
Chris Faulkner and Grace Thompson
Allison Faxvog
Amy Feliciano
Matthew Feliciano
Abby Felton
Kathryn Ficarra
Tina and Frank Fiedler
Cyrus and Jennifer Fiene
Hannah C. Finestrali
Robert Fishbaugher
Alona and Tim Fisher
Gene Fisher
Tim Fisher
Alex Fleet
Ryan Fleming
Christopher Anne Flowers
Faith L. Flugel
Keith Foe
Paul Forquera
Brian and Ashley Franklin
Steven and Whitney Freygang
Naoupu Frost
Delong Fu
Kyle and Jessica Fukuchi
Brian Fulbright-Hamilton
Darren Gable and
Lisa Hutchinson Gable
Dhruv Gakkhar
Matt Gallant
Nicholas Gallant
Bhavana Ganesh
Vanessa and Freddie Garcia
Robert Gardipee
Adam and Nichole Garren
Michelle Gregoire Garrison and
Jeff Garrison
Hakan Gem
Frankie Gerdelman
Ira and Courtney Gerlich
Taylor Gibson
Anna and Sean Gilbert
Clay and Mykcal Gilge
Dan Giuliani
Andrew Glandon and Alicia Sullivan
Michael Gluck and Lisa Koper
Kendra and John Goldberg
Bryon and Elizabeth Gongaware
Chris Gonterman
Chad Goodfellow
Matt Goodwin
Tonia and Jay Goyal
Vikas Goyal
Brad and Sarah Gray
Stephanie and Ryan Greenberg
Mr. Brian R. Greene
Eric and Claire Greenwood
Denise Griffith
Margaret M. Griffith
Martinique Eliot Grigg
Brandon Grisham
Kalan and Jennie Guiley
Kim Guilford
Michelle Gutierrez
Riley Haggard
Wendy Hagstrom
Lia Halasz and Benjamin Halasz
Lauren Haley
Kendra Hall and Gregory Pyle
Tyler Hancock and Lindey Palmer
John Hanna, Jr. and Patricia Hanna
Alexander S. Harding
John and Elena Harnish
Rich Harr
Benjamin Kinney Harris
S. Elliott Harris
Stacy and Scott Harris
Renee Hawkes
Caleb Hedin
Jeffrey and Shelly Heier*
Katherine Heller, MD and
Gregory Heller
Kyle Hepper
Jina Heverley
Laura Hill
Daniel Himebaugh
Benjamin Hirai
Marc Hixson
Jackie and William Hizzey
Owen Ho and Evelyn Chiang
Caitlin Hoffman
Lisa Ulrich Hoffman
Chandler and Kimberly Holbrook
Chenee Holcomb
Greggor Holland
Kaitlin Holley and R. Whitney
Sharon Holliday
Michael Holste
Lauren and Jeffrey Homme
Brian Hopper
Nicole and Brian Hopper
Peter Hornyack
Bree Black Horse
Travis Hosler
Bryan Howie
Ken Hsieh and Xiaoli Huang
Julie and Jonathan Huang
Ross and Emily Hubbard
Julie Hubert
Brian Hudson
Ryan and Sherry Huettl
Whitney Hugie
YJ Huh
Catherine and Olivier Humbert*
Rachel Hunter
Dana Hurley and Matt Thomlinson
Spencer Hurst
Scott and Amy Hutchinson*
Sharon Huynh
Scott Hylton
Stephanie Iem
David Ignacio and
Rachel Bender Ignacio
Tass Iliopoulos and Paula Lee
Grace Im
Taryn C. Imamura
Soojean Ishiguro
Mehmet and Devrim Iyigun
Madeline and Brendan Jackson-Fowl
Ted Jacobs
Natasha Jacobsen
James Jacoby
Valerie Jandl
Mikaela and David Jang
Chris Jeuell
Jalen Johansen
Lars Johansson and Danielle Orden
Daniel Johnson
David and Christy Johnson
Jeremey and Cassie Johnson
Stacia Jordon
Jeffrey Julien
Bo Jungmayer
James and Angela Kahler
Erica Kalista and Joey Krein
Evelynn Kaplan
Brett Karshner
Benjamin Katz
Dave Katz
Ryan and Megan Keith
Susan and Brice Keown
Bill and Amy Ketcham
Omar Khalil
Dr. Susan S. Kim, DDS and Steve Cho
Kimberly M. King
Nancy King
Nicholas Kirkpatrick
Ben Kirzhner
Sergey Kobets
Zachary Koehne
Dave Kolk
Sarah Koss and Peter Gossin
Courtney Koster
Joshua Kremers
Bhaskar Krishnan
Joy Kumagai and Craig Nishina
Jeff and Karina Kunins
Tyrel Lacey
Tammy Lai
Kevin Lam and Van Vong
Sienna Landry
Matthew Landy and Nirupama Rao
John Lane
Maureen Lane
Rebecca Langham and Kris Christensen
Ashley Langley and Joe Kane
Valerie Lanterman and Jonathan Lanterman
Dan Lantz
Vivian Lau
Marjory Laymon
Samantha Leck
Denny Lee and Hua-Ping Yang
Haehyun Lee
Mitchell Lee
Jordan Leef
Jeff Leek
Shayla Lester
Elliot and Jillian Lewis
Joanne Li
Sara Lindemann
Chris Lindermann
Clark and Lori Lindsay
Amber Lingle
Megan and Jay Little
Steven Liu and Dione Knowles
Madelyn Lodge
Matt and Elisha Logue*
Thomas Loika
Lindsey Lombardi
Tom and Kelly Looney
En Low
Giancarlo Lucia and Annie Lucia
Amanda Lui and Kaleb Lora
Chengwei Luo
Charles Lyford
Mary Lynch
Molly Lynch
Dennis Ma and Vannessa Nhan
Roland Maas and Jutta Maas
Catherine and Chris Machielse
Ariyo Mackay
Shawn Madden
Tenneall and Luke Madsen
Anne Maercklein
Lisa and James Magnusson
Kristen Maines
Anna Malachias
Eric and Gwen Manchion
Gina Manfredi
Catherine Mank
Ryan Mara
Katie Martinsen
Will Maschmeier
Mark Massaro
Bryden Mathis
Jessica and John Matlock
Christian and Hailey Mattson
Adam and Nicole Matzinger
Dr. Kristina M. May
Peter Mazzeo
Kelly and Robbie McCuistion
Nicole Mcdonald
Theresa McDonnell, ARNP and
Matthew McDonnell
Jonathan Mckim
Carryn McLaughlin
Kyle McLaughlin
Martin and Connie Mclellan
Bill and Nicole McNichols
Andrew McVicar
Tim Mead and Allison Stein
Jeannette Meadows
Sara Medford
Zahra Megji
Amy Beth and Alan Meier
Zach and April Meissner
Robert and Gabrielle Mellon
Michael Menaker
Dr. Jason Mendoza and Sharon Siehl
Kevin Merriman
Jared and Kehla Meseroll
Joshua Messer
Jeffrey Mew
Courtney and William Meyer
Aaron Mihalyi
David Millard-Hasting
Aimee Miller
Doug and Angel Miller
Brian W. Miller
Daniel and Anne Miller
Johanna Miller
Lisa and Jason Minters
David Mirch
Mitra Miri
Laurie Miyauchi
Avi Mizrahi
Kyle Monahan
Bob Monroe
Alex and Emily Moore
Anthony Moore
Garron and Sarah Moore
Joshua Moore
Zade Morgan
Joon and Karen Moy
Drs. Andrew and Corlyne Mulder
Erinn Murphy
Katie and Grant Murray
Innovators Network includes three anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
Mark and Christine Naismith
Jack and Jodi Nebel
Catherine Nelson
Christine Nelson
Blair Newman
Kim Nguyen
Leeanne Nguyen
Chris Nichols and
Shannon Flood-Nichols
Zach and Jade Nielsen
Rohan Nirody
Joanna Noffsinger
Peter Norman
Ty Norrish
Fred Northup, Jr. and Ashley Northup
Melanie Notari
Stacey Nutini
Kaye Oberhausen and Chris Apap
Ryan O'Connor
Yolanda Odoom
Casey Ogren and Lily Michels
Aaron and Claire Olson
Rebecca Olson
Gail Olson-Laing and Michael Laing
Dustin O'Quinn
Stephen and Meghan Orban
Troy Otto
Christopher Owen
Abel Pacheco
Amanda Packer
Brandon Paddock
Isabella Padilla
Vidhya Kakkayur Pallayil
David Papiez and Richard Moore
Zachary Pardey
Kristie Pate
Grant Peart
Heidi and Lance Pelletier
Ross Perez
Lauren Perotti
Jessica Perrin and Ricky Niemi
William Peteroy
Megan Petofalvi
Kara Petry
Benjamin J. Petter
Scott and Michelle Peyree
Nicholas Peyton and Alex Adame
Amanda Pham
Matthew Phipps
Chris Picardo and Caroline Slattery
Kim and Mike Pickard
Alex Platou
Fernando and Letisha Pohina
Chris Pohl
Samantha and Brady Poppelreiter
Alexander and Elina Potter
Sabrina Poulos
Adrian Power
Jessica and Jeffrey Powers
Ralph Powers
Kelly Pratt
Diane Prescott
Coriann Presser and Robb Landis
Phil Price
Alysson Probst and Rachel Winter
Lisa and Bentley Pugh
Cristina Quinn
Stephen Quinn
Ms. Tina Qunell
Sumit Raina
Kari Rallo
Drew Ralston
Jody Ramirez
Leslie Ramirez
Rob and Corey Raney
Neema Raphael
Caitlin Rawn and Ben Austin
Alex Rawson and Anh Nguyen
Michael Rechnitz
Shannon and Ryan Redington
Anna Reiss and Chris Elliott
Laurel and Jeffrey Reitman
James Reyes
Jaclyn Richardson
Jennie Richey
Harlan and Christina Robins
Megan Rodrigues and Henry Ly
Mr. Jay S. Rogers
Kyle Rolfe
Lauren and Alex Rolfe
Mr. Jeff Ronnfeldt
Kevin Rooney and Ali Lewis
Andrew and Emily Ryan
Misty Ryan-Gonzales
Sophia Sabelhaus
David Sacks
Jesse Salk
Jose Sama
Ninis Samuel
Jesse Sanchez
Sandy Sanchez
Niko Savas
Breanne and Peter Sayah
Justin and Joanelle Schmidt
Brie and Jake Schwartz
Grace Scorpio
Danielle Scott and Logan Scott
Jessica and Alex Sedler
Benjamin Selberg and
Meghan Flanagan
Chris Selvar
Torben and Amy Severson
Anna Shamitoff
Dr. Veena Shankaran
Eliza and Brian Shelden
Anna and Zach Sherwood
Hailey Sherwood
Jason J. Shinn
Yehuda Shmidman
Danie Shutt
Jennifer Siano
Joseph and Christina Siders
Mark Silva
Alex Silverstein and Jenny Silver
Cate Simmers
Erik Simon
Charles and Lisa Simonyi
Jag and Stacey Singh
Stephanie Skinner
Kevin Skogen
Emery Skolfield
Kevin Smith
Korwin and Kelly Smith
Mari Smith
Mollie Snorsky
Kristopher Snyder
Ryan Sobotka
Shane Sobotka
Angel Socci and Greg Doughty
Jennifer Solley
Roanne Sones and Charles Cameron
Heidi Speight
John Spencer
Albert and Tiffany Squiers
Hillary St. John
Sean Stappas
Abby Steele
Jesse Stein
Laura Stellato
Daniel Strauss
Asha Strazzero-Wild
Jeremy and Tanya Stremme
Garrett Stroud and Haily Swinger
Ryan and Aimee Sudeck
Betsy and Patrick Sund
Wilbur Susilasate and
Fawzidah Ton-Susilasate
Drew and Leslie Swanson
Hebah and Jubrail Sweis
Innovators Network includes three anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
Benjamin Ta
Clare Tang
Ken Tang
Stephanie Tasche
Jeremy Taylor
Quinton and Erika Teas
Michael Theis
Amy Thomas
Chloe and Matthew Thomas
Michael Thomas
Chase Thompson
Katie Thurik
Armand and Danielle Tiberio
Antoine and Heidi Toussaint
Brett and Dana Toy
Joshua, Stephanie, and
David Trachtenberg
Cynthia Tran
Laurel and Darren Trautmann
Nathan and Allison Trinklein
Yolanda Tseng, MD and
Nathan Gouwens
Shizuo Tu
Sean and Kelsey Tufts
Alex Turner
Andrea Turner
Janell Turner
Danielle Ullmann
Luis and Colette Ulloa*
Taro Umezawa
George and Hailey Underwood
Clint Valentine
Christine and Thomas Van Buskirk
Jenna Vanderzee
Ashley Vanoss
Tim VanOss
Laura Vasilopoulos
Sandhya Muloth Vijayachandran
and Vijay Nair
Samantha Wai
Heather Walior
Karako Walker
Carina and Matt Walters
Daniel and Bonnie Waltman
Ian Wang
Thomas S. Wang
Annie Ward
Taylor Warren and Mike Kowalick
Sarah Waugaman
Geoff Webb
Jaime and Adam Weber
Joey Weber
Camay Wells
Stacey and Joe Welsh
Burton Wesche
Richard Wesley and June Oh
Eric Westberg and Jess Efta
Elaine Whaley
Alex Wheeler
Nicholas White
Oliver and Caroline Whitehead
Jessie Whiteside
Sean and Jessica Whitsitt
Matthew Wickens
Sam Wiggin
Nate Wilkins
Whitney Wilkins
Beth Willard
Charles Williams
Joelle Williams
Kelly Williams
Desiree and Adam Wilson
Anthony Wilson
Brooke Wilson
Brian and Andrea Wishan
David Wright
Matt Wurdeman
Steve and Anna Yantorni
Kurt Yeasted and Jackie Benegas
Krishna Yeshwant
Derek Yi
Megan Yoshimura
Niki Yoshiuchi
Weisi Yuen
Bri and Rorie Zajac
Kimberley Zakian
Elana and Josh Zana
Kevin Zelko
Danny Zrodovic and
Kourtney Zrodovic
Andrew Zuraw
Innovators Network includes three anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.