Drive Cures Faster
The President’s Circle — a distinguished group of individual and corporate members who share Fred Hutch’s vision for the elimination of cancer and related diseases — provides critical, aggregate funding to speed the development of new ideas and innovations in research as they emerge. Annual gifts of $10,000 or more through the President’s Circle sustain programs vital to the Hutch’s mission, including pilot research projects, shared research facilities and equipment, faculty recruitment and training for the next generation of biomedical researchers.
Member Benefits
Please note that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, in-person benefits are subject to adjustments.
- Invitations to a variety of events including faculty research discussions and conversations with Hutch leadership.
- Updates from Dr. Thomas J. Lynch Jr., president and director and holder of the Raisbeck Endowed Chair and other Fred Hutch scientists and clinicians.
- Impact reports featuring Hutch research and how your investment is making a difference.
- Invitations to Fred Hutch fundraising events.
- Recognition of your generosity online.
- A personal tour of the Hutch campus in Seattle.
- The knowledge that you are fueling innovation to help the lives of those facing cancer and other diseases.
Corporate Member Benefits
Corporate members receive the following benefits:
- Your company’s name on the President’s Circle roster.
- The suite of benefits and networking opportunities (see above) for a company leader or representative.
Private Funding in Action

Uncovering the Origins of Cancer

Kickstarting Kidney Cancer Immunotherapy

Curing HIV

Treating Prostate Cancer
Uncovering the Origins of Cancer
Dr. Sue Biggins studies how cells divide and distribute their chromosomes, a process that is almost always disrupted in cancer. The major structure involved in maintaining the precision of this process is the kinetochore, but understanding its functionality eluded scientists. During a pivotal point in her research, Dr. Biggins received President’s Circle funding that allowed her to devise a new technique to better study the kinetochore, which has important implications for treating cancer.
Robin Abraham and Deepa Thomas
Neil Ackley
Actuate Therapeutics, Inc
Advanced Interior Services
Affini-T Therapeutics
Akila and S Somasegar
Family Foundation
Alaska Airlines
Aldarra Foundation
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
James and Catherine Allchin
John Allen and Ann Wilson
Alloy Therapeutics, Inc.
Thad Alston and Karen Glover
Judson and Laura Althoff
Chap and Eve Alvord
American Association
for Cancer Research
American Cancer Society
American College of
American Heart Association
American Lung Association
American Society of
Gene & Cell Therapy
American Society of Hematology
American Thoracic
Society Foundation
The Anderson Foundation*
Curtis and Elizabeth Anderson
Dr. Garnet Anderson and
Dr. David Carrell
Loch Anderson and Allyn Perkins
Lynn Weiner Anderson and
Stewart K. Anderson
Ric and Kaylene Anderson*
Stephen and Rita Anderson
Ron and Kimberly Andronaco
Anduin Foundation
Almeera Anwar and Erik Boisen
The Apex Foundation
Dr. Frederick and Dita Appelbaum*
ARCH Venture Partners LP
Marco Argenti and Nanyan Li
The Arnold Family Foundation
Scott and Paula Atkison
Audio Visual Factory
Ed and Linda Averett
Axiom Healthcare Strategies
Valerie and Peter Aylen
Steve and Connie Ballmer
Robert A. Banks and
Marcia Coulon Banks
Joe and Karyn Barer
Brett Barrett
Peter and Jane Barrett
Patty and Jimmy Barrier
The Barry and Patricia
Saper Foundation
Dr. Lori Bartels and
Mr. Edward Menard
Shirley Bartlett
Richard and Evelyn Bateman
Bayley Family Foundation*
Ron and Joan Bayley
Janet P. Beckmann, PH.D.
Carl and Renée Behnke*
David and Joanna Beitel*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bell
Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
Robert and Jan Bender
David and Sharon Berett
Barbara Berg and Dan Gottschling
Mark and Stephanie Berggren
Sharon Bergman and Dan Evans
Linda J. Berkman
Yahn Bernier and Beth McCaw
Yvonne M. Betson Trust -
Jeff and Ethel Maxwell*
Susan Bevan and Anthony Daddino
Debbie and Jim Bevier
Bezos Family
Jeff Bezos
Deborah and Kevin Bhatt
Susan Biggins and
Thomas R. Henderson
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill Pierre Ford, Inc
Joseph and Jan Binney
Joseph Binz
Bishop Family Legacy Foundation
BK Hope Cures
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
Brandon Blair
Kristianne and John Blake
Ann Blank and John Silber
Bill and Jeanne Bliss
John R. and Paula Blood Family Trust
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Blue Nile
William A. Bock
Eliot Bolan and Susan Korn
Lisa and Norm Bontje
Cathy Boshaw and Doug Edlund*
Sean and Shelley Boyle
Brave Like Gabe Foundation
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Wayne Bridges, Jr. and Carol Bridges
Bristol Myers Squibb
Nancy and Terry Britton
Brad and Amy Brotherton
David and Lisa Browdy
George and Barbara Brown
Robert and Marit Brown
Rosalie & Harold Brown
Charitable Trust
Jay Bryant
Richard and Loraine Burger
The Burkland Family
Leslie Burns and Corey Johnson
Shari Burns and Frederick Burns*
Richard and Melinda Bus
Ward and Judy Bushnell
The Butcher's Table
Gary and Catherine Bylund*
Daniel J. Byrnes
Keith Byrum and Kim Blanchard
Claudia and Thomas Campanile
Phyllis and William Campbell
Thomas and Sonya Campion
Stephanie Campos
Cancer Research Collaboration
Cancer Research Institute
Cheryl Capriola and Roderic Davis
Carlson Family Foundation*
Gail and John Carpenter
Cecelia Carr and Thomas Carr*
Darrell and Siobhan Cavens
Alan J. Chaffee and
Mary Kathryn Raschko
Ann Chamberlin
Champions for Cures
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Changebox Foundation
Jackson Chao and March Chao
Diana Chaplin
Chateau Retirement
Communities LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. "Mac" Cheever
Children's Cancer Research Fund
Eunice and Dan Choi
Rajiv Chopra and Lavina Wadhwani
Robyn Christenson and
David Christenson
Joan G. Clark, MD
Simon Peter Clarke and
Alice Frick Burden
Mike and Corry Clayville
Monica Clements
Cleveland Cord Blood Center
Dr. Bruce Clurman and
Deb Gumbardo
Jeannette M. Coburn
Donna Cochener
Michael Cockrill
Stephanie Cohen and Erik Glover
Denis Coleman III
Elaine A. Coles
Roger and Kimberly Collins
Color Foundation
Compass Construction
The Concern Foundation
Conquer Cancer Foundation
of the American Society
of Clinical Oncology
William and Lisa Conquergood
Ginger Cooper
Mike and Nancy Cordry
Barbara Cosgrove and
Frank Yandrasits
Megan Cosgrove
Quinn Cosgrove
Costco Wholesale
Jane and David Cottrell
Crabby Beach Foundation
Christina I. Cressey
Family Foundation
Timothy and Sherry Crichfield
Christine and Johnny Crowell
Paula Crown
Jan Cuny
CURE Childhood Cancer
Cush It To The Limit
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cytek Biosciences
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Damon Runyon Cancer
Research Foundation
The David and Patricia Giuliani
Family Foundation
David Cutler Foundation
Dr. Nancy E. Davidson and
Dr. Thomas W. Kensler
Patricia Davis and Randall Davis
Dr. H. Joachim Deeg and
Mrs. Francoise Deeg-Le Gal
Kurt and Suzan DelBene
John C. Delo
Diamond Parking Inc
Joel and Julie Diamond
Mrs. Marilyn R. Dierickx
Laura and Jim DiLella
Holly and Eric Dillon*
Eric and Tracy Dobmeier
Pamela G. and Steven R. Doctor
The Dodson Foundation Inc
Dolsen Family Fund at Yakima Valley
Community Foundation
Carey and John Dondero
Wayne Dong and Hoa Quach
Doris Duke Foundation
Bruce and Polly Douglass
Ann Dowell
The Dr. Maxwell Hurston
Family Foundation
Richard and Kathleen Dray-Lyons
William and Jane Durch
Diane and Ned Dye
East Seattle Foundation
Echo Bay Foundation
Earl and Denise Ecklund
Jens Eckstein and Gabrielle Strobel
Edward Jones
Edward P. Evans Foundation
Jack and Sandra Efird
Karl Ege and Constance Adams*
Richard and Janet Eichler
Julie Elkington
Richard and Joanne Elliott
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Elysian Brewing Company
Embi Tec
John and Christine Enslein
Michele Erwin and Bruce Christy
The Esther A. & Joseph
Klingenstein Fund, Inc.
The Eucalyptus Foundation
David Evans and Jacqueline Evans
Mason M. Evans Family Trust
President’s Circle includes 37 anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc.
Shawn Farkas
Carrie Farmer
David Ferrebee and Jeanne Hardie
Manuel Ferreira and
Andreanna Kapogiannatos
Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
Jonathan Fine and Paula Selis
Dr. Saul and Tracy Fink
Phelps and Christel Fisher
Mark and Kristin Fleischauer
Katherine Fleming
David and Julie Flory
Cay Fortune and John Shimer
The Foster Foundation
Stan and Theresa Foster
Foundation for the National
Institutes of Health
Frank and Judith Marshall Foundation
Brian and Ashley Franklin
Nat and Diane Franklin
Alan and Mary Frazier*
Daveed Frazier
Nancy Freeman
Freestone Capital Management
Robert Frey
Charles Frischer and
Abigail Reid Francis
Fritzky Family*
Kyle and Jessica Fukuchi
Michael Furick
Gabrielle's Angel Foundation
for Cancer Research
Dr. Denise Galloway
Garland and Carolyn Cox
Family Charitable Fund
Michael and Lynn Garvey*
Bill Gates
GE Healthcare Technologies
Ken and Lisa Geisen
Geonerco Management, LLC
The George & Fay Young Foundation
George and Stephanie
Suddock Foundation
Georgette George
Lucy and Robert Geppert
Gerdin Family Foundation
Daniel Gerler
GESA Credit Union
Rita Getzelman and Douglas Mockett
Hamid Ghanadan and
Rebecca Ghanadan
Giant Artists
Mr. and Mrs. Burke F. Gibson
Peter and Candice Giffin
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Lynda Gilman
D. Wayne and Anne E. Gittinger
Glaser Foundation
Richard F. Glass
GLY Construction Inc.
GM Financial
Gnarly Tree Fund
Charles Goggio, Jr.
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Cheryl and Adam Goldstein
Kenneth J. and Beryl N. Goodchild*
Michael and Linda Goodrick
Goodwin Procter LLP
Douglas and Andrea Gordon
Bill and Jill Gormley
Stephen M. Graham and
Mrs. Joanne M. Graham
Roger and Jennifer Grambihler
Joann C. Gray
Kimberley and John Gray
Mr. Ken Greenbaum*
Barry Greene
Keith and Claire Grinstein
Mark Groudine and Cynthia Putnam*
Patricia and Michel Guittet
Carol and Wayne Gullstad
Donald Guthrie and
Candace Tkachuck*
Ruth Guthrie
Susanne and Scott Guthrie
H.D. Fowler
Michael Hackett
Helen R. Hafner Trust
Amber Hahto
Brent and Elizabeth Hall
Mike Halperin and Jodi Green
Gerald and Jeanne Hambly
Thomas W. and Susan Handley
Panagiotis Handrinos
Carl Hansen
Jerry and Carolyn Haralson
Dorothy A. Hardy
Hargis Engineers, Inc.
Larry Harle
John and Elena Harnish
Harold Brown Foundation
S. Elliott Harris
William and Cheryl Harris
The Hartwell Foundation
Haselwood Auto Group
Deborah and Eric Haug
Jeffrey and Candace Havens
Rosemarie Havranek and
Nathan Myhrvold
Head for the Cure Foundation
Hearst Foundations
Joseph and Jane Heinrich
Elsie Heinrick
Jean-Francois and Catherine Heitz
The Helen Clay Frick Foundation
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Diane and Paul Heller
Steven and Jorja Henikoff
Doug and Sheri Henrikson
Henry Crown and Company LLC
Bob and Pat Herbold*
Thomas Herche and Mary Herche
Pete and Leslie Magid Higgins*
Jon and Charlotte Hill
Molly M. Hill
Mr. Stephen R. Hill
The Hinton Charitable Fund
Daniella Hirsch
Hite Foundation
Anna and James Hoag
Marsha and Douglas Holbrook
Sherrie Holdsworth
Langdon Holton
The Hope Foundation
Dave Horton
Peter and Peggy Horvitz*
Bradley Horwitz and Jana Carlson
Mr. David J. Hovind
Shelley M. Hovind
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
David and Corinne Howard
William Howard
Tim Howell and Susan Howell
Robert and Julie Hoyt
Yingzhi and Xuedong Huang
Ross and Emily Hubbard
Rebecca and Michael Hughes
Cynthia and Blair Hull
Thomas and Julie Hull
Jane and Lawrence Hund
Paula Hurd
The Hutchinson Family*
The Hyman Levine Family Foundation L'Dor V'Dor
Hypothesis Fund
Hyundai Hope on Wheels
Imago Biosciences, Inc.
a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.
Independent Electrical
Contractors, Inc.
Indian Paintbrush Foundation
Suzanne and Richard Ingram*
Inserra Family Foundation
Intercontinental Real Estate
Nea Lynn and Curt Ireland
Marianne and Thomas Ivey
Jacob Green Charity Golf Classic
The James Family Foundation
Bruce Jamison
Mark and Mari Jancola
The Jean E. Thomson Foundation*
Tom and Marian Jensen
Dr. Sal Jepson
Rajesh Jha and Sudha Mishra
JMS 360 Family Fund
Roger and Cindy Jobs
Johanna Anderson Trueblood
Foundation Inc.
John C. and Karyl Kay
Hughes Foundation*
Colleen and William Johnson
Craig M. Johnson and
Shawn L. Underwood
David and Christy Johnson
David Johnson and Linda Sewright
Jodie Jones and Leland Rockoff
Jon and Gretchen Jones
Kristi and Timothy Jones
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The Judith A. Lese
Breast Cancer Foundation
Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation
Harvey and Robin Kanter
Kaphan Foundation
Rich and Karmann Kaplan
Susan Kaplan
Benjamin Katz
Jim Kaufmann and Mary Thrasher
Nancy Kaufmann and Steven Fink
Sharon Kean and Robert Lipson
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw
Family Foundation
Linda Kemp
Kenneth Hill Foundation
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Philip I. Kent
Steven S. Kessel and
Sibyl Frankenburg
Keyes Foundation*
David and Doreen Keyes
Bob Kiesendahl
John Kimura
Gary Kindness
Jerry King and Conceicao Farias
David Kingsbury, PhD and
Deborah Smeltzer
Pauline and Robert Kirchner
The Kleeberger Family Foundation
Manuel Klein
Roger Klein
Norma and Leonard Klorfine
Lisa and James Koch
Reginald S. and Ann R. Koehler*
Ms. Carmela Koeplin
Wui-Jin Koh
Susan G. Komen
Susan Korn and Eliot Bolan
Mike and Debbie Koss*
Linda Krese and Michael Madden
Krieger Charitable Trust
CAPT M. Thomas &
Mrs. Gwenann Kroon
Merrilee Wickstrom Kullman
Jeff and Karina Kunins*
Marc Kwiatkowski
Sandra L. La Haye*
Lakeside Industries, Inc
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Lucy Lambert
Rick and Carole Lamoureaux
George Landegger
Laura Landro and Richard Salomon
Lane Powell PC
Janis Laybourn
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Peter and Susan Lee
Jeff Leek
Shari and Rory Leid
Randall and Joyce Lert
John Levene
Robert Levine and Mary Ildvad
Noah Levy and Faiza Issa
Rick Li
Jerrold Liebermann and
Linda J. Harris
Life Sciences Research Foundation
Lily Pointe Family Foundation
Lim Ovens
Michael Lind
Harry Linker and Betty Linker
David Litwack
Live Like Maya Foundation
The Lochland Foundation
Loeb Family Foundation
Susan and Bert Loosmore
Benito and Carmen Lopez*
The Lopker Family Foundation
LS Shoen Foundation
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
David and Anne Lutrick
Eline and Walter Lybarger
David and Deborah Lycette
Lymphoma Research Foundation
Dr. Thomas J. Lynch and
Ms. Laura Pappano
Darrel Mack and Patricia Mack
Connor Madden
Raj A. Mahajan
Jerry and Kristi Mahan
Mark and Nikki Mahan*
Paris Malachias
Larry and Janice Maloney
Phyllis J. Mandel
William Manierre and Barbara Hall
Ray and Kathy Mann
John Mar
The Marco J. Heidner Foundation
Marion & John E.
Anderson Foundation
The Mark Foundation for
Cancer Research
Frank and Judith Marshall
The Marvin Foundation
John and Melissa Matterazzo
Paul and Nancy Maudslien
The Max Foundation
Robert Maxson and Sylvia Maxson
Judith McBroom and
Douglas McBroom
John and Linda McCallum
Frederick McCorriston
David and Meta McDowell
Matt and Carol McIlwain
The McKnight Foundation
Doug and Ruth McKnight
Carryn McLaughlin
Laurie McManus
Mark A. and Marna L. McNaughton*
Robert McNeal and James Kinsella
Bill and Nicole McNichols
William and Jocelyne Meeker
John Meisenbach
Margaret Meister and Joan McBride
Melanoma Research Foundation
Robert and Gabrielle Mellon
Meredith A. Cowden Foundation
Charlotte H. Merritt
Karen and Kevin Merritt
Norman and Suzanne Metcalfe
The Micah Foundation
Michael's Toyota of Bellevue
Janet E. Mills
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Cindy and Tim Minor
Laurie Miyauchi
Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman
Cheryl Monaghan
Holly Monek-Anderson
The Moore Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
David Moore
Colin and Martha Moseley
Ms. Leigh M. Morgan
Michael and Linda Morgan
Joan Morse and Dean Hachamovitch*
Colin and Martha Moseley
Susan B. Mosler Revocable
Living Trust
Susan and Robert Mounts
Shan and Lee Mullin*
Multiple Myeloma Cure
Seekers Society
Herb and Cathy Munson
M.J. Murdok Charitable Trust
Erinn Murphy
Carla Murray and Tom Robinson
The Mya Lin Terry Foundation
President’s Circle includes 37 anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
Allan and Audrey Naarden
Nadella Family
National Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.
National Comprehensive
Cancer Network
Robert E. and Amy T. Neiman
Carol and Paul Neiman
Moore Nelson Family Trust
Dr. Peter S. Nelson and
Molly Rothwell
Robert and Claudia Nelson
Janice Newburn and Robert Newburn
Jonathan and Shirley Ng
Bruce and Jeannie Nordstrom
Julie and Erik Nordstrom
Pete and Brandy Nordstrom
Anne Norman and Stephen Norman
Northwest Sarcoma Foundation
Northwestern Mutual
Lee and Deborah Oatey
Kelly M. O'Brien and Robert J. Binney
Esther and Michael Ochsman
Agnes O'Connor and Gary Yonaka
Mr. Scott D. Oki and
Mrs. Laurie L. Oki
Olivia Hope Foundation
Susan and Brian Olsavsky
Olympia Guild
John and Billie O'Mack
Omega Fund Management, LLC
OncoResponse, Inc.
One Roof Foundation
Timothy Opler and Susan Lewis
Oscar T. and Olivann
Hokold Foundation
The Otto Family Foundation
Ronald Outous and Kathi Knowles
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance
Marlene Page
In Ja Park and Young Ju Park
Parker Institute for Cancer
Sinikka and Babak Parviz
Ann and John Patnaude
Ann Patterson and Edward Siegel
The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
The Paul M. Anderson Foundation
Harry Jonathan Pearce*
Timothy Peer and Robert Birnstihl
Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation*
Tom and Kate Peters
Warren T. Petersen and
Eleanor M. Petersen
Bob and Carol Petersen
Vern R. and Anna Peterson
Maureen Peterson and
J. Peterson
Joe Petschl
Scott and Michelle Peyree
Pfizer Oncology
Paul and Margaret Pfleger
Dusty Philip
Peggy Phillips
Paul and Beth Picardo*
Debra and Jay Platt
Gregory and Margo Plaunt
Dean and Gwenn Polik and
The Estate of Valerie Polack*
Theresa and Gary Pollastro
Brian and Randy Pollock
PolyBio Research Foundation
Ena and Jerry Poncar
Clemenz Portmann and Soyoung Park
Alexander and Elina Potter
Peter and Molly Powell
Yvonne Powell
Precision Electric Group
Mr. Richard O. Prentke
Lowell and Sasha Press
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Tommy Price
Prime Electric
John and Priscilla Privat
Prostate Cancer Foundation
John and Maria Quist
RACE Charities Foundation
Brooks and Suzanne Ragen
Michael and Burmah Rainbolt
James and Sherry Raisbeck
Rally Foundation for Childhood
Cancer Research
James V. Ramsdell, Jr.
Neema Raphael
The Ray Family Foundation
Steven Re and Nadene Re
Scotti Records and Bob Serr
Reed L. Harman and Nan M.
Harman Foundation
Andrew and Christine Reinland
Sally Reiquam
Laurel and Jeffrey Reitman
Satya and Rao Remala Family*
Rett Syndrome Research Trust
Paula and Stephen Reynolds
Richard and Bonnie Cavell
Charitable Foundation
Richard C. Goldstein
Private Foundation
Karen Richards and Clayton Richards
Jennie Richey
Melinda Richter
Stephen T. Richter Family Trust
Lynn Ries and Rodney Proctor
James Riley
Rita Allen Foundation
Rivkin Center for Ovarian
Cancer Research
Lawrence Roalsvig
Robert J. Bauer Family Foundation
The Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and
Helen C. Kleberg Foundation
Robert L. Fine Cancer
Research Foundation
Judith Robert
Robinett Investment Company
Harlan and Christina Robins
Drs. Niki and Bryce Robinson
Stuart and Theiline Rolfe
Estate of Sonia and Per Ron
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
Rosalie and Harold Rea
Brown Foundation
Peter J. and Julie A. Rose
Skip and Debra Rowley
Jeffrey Rubin
The Milton B. Rubin Family*
John Rudolf
Judy and Jon Runstad
Bill and Judy Rutherford
Andrew and Emily Ryan
Jeannine Ryan
The Safeway Foundation
Kya and Neil Sainsbury-Carter
Jesse Salk
Lana Salloum
Sam Day Foundation
Robert and Joan Sample
Mr. Gunjan Samtani
Mike and Jolene Sanborn
Corsee and Martin Sanders
Vincent Santoro
Joel Sarfati and Susan Sarfati
Ellen Sargent and Daniel Sargent
Chuck and Carol Schaefer
Jeffrey and Jacqueline Schaffer
Larry Schall
Bryan Scheurman
Jameson Schriber
Alice and Randall Schroder
Mary Ann Schroeter
Bet and Jim Schuler*
Gary and Mimi Schulze
Charles and Maria Schweizer
Cheryl Scott and Hannah Linden
Seattle-Sonoran Foundation
Security Properties
Robert M. Seidenstadt
John Seidler and Jane Beale
Adam and Laura Selipsky
Marlene Semple*
David and Joan Shannon
Eliza and Brian Shelden
Ms. Elizabeth J. Sheldon and
Mr. Marvin Parsons
Rajanee and Ashok Shendure
Jerry Shigaki
Pete and Laurel Shimer
Kurt and Kylee Shintaffer
Berry and Sam Shoen
Craig Shrontz and Lynn Ristig
Frank Shrontz*
Danie Shutt
Joseph and Christina Siders
Silver Cloud Foundation*
Silver Creek Capitol
Management, LLC
Mark and Brenda Simons
Charles and Lisa Simonyi
Jim and Jan Sinegal*
Janine and Jerry Skaga
Tom Skore
Molly Nordstrom Sloan and
Stuart Sloan*
William and Rebecca Smead
Smith Brothers Farms, Inc
David B. Smith and Jody Evans Smith
Doug Smith and
Mary Templeman-Smith
Gerry Smith and Vicki Halper
Mike and Sarah Smith
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer
Hermine Soler
David Solomon
S. and Akila Somasegar
Space Needle Foundation
William and Alee Spencer
Phyllis Speser
Albert and Tiffany Squiers
Steve and Sally Stadum
Star Biotech LLC
The John and Louise Steegstra
Memorial Fund
Stefano Stefani and Melissa Stefani
Howard and Cynthia Steinberg
Charlene Steinhauer*
Barbara Stephanus
Stephen & Renee Bisciotti Foundation
Catherine L. Stevens
Samuel and
Lynn Stevens Stifel
John and Sherry Stilin
Todd and Sarah Stine
Barbara Stone
Harvey Strand and Shirley Strand
Miruna Dragnea Stratan
Kathryn and Mark Strecker
Elizabeth Strober and Bryen Cohen
Strong 4 Sam
Ambassador Cynthia Stroum/
The Stroum Family Foundation*
Linda and Walter Suby
George and Stephanie Suddock
The Sujal and Meera Patel Foundation
Kimberly Sullivan
Sunbridge Foundation
Kathy Surace-Smith and Brad Smith
Susan R. and John W. Sullivan
Foundation, Inc.
The Margie Suskin Charitable Trust
Vivy Svenby
Swaha Foundation
Richard Swaisgood Estate
The Swanson Family
Shana Swanson and Michael Bevan
Carol J. Swarts
Hebah and Jubrail Sweis
Anne Swenson
Swim Across America
President’s Circle includes 37 anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.
Craig Tall and Penny Legate
Kamlesh and Priya Talreja
Kathy Taylerson
Michael and Judith Tembreull
Thanksgiving Foundation
Paul and Emily Thelen
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dr. E. Donnall Thomas Jr. and
Mrs. Lori Thomas
Vern Thoreson
The Thrasher Koffey Foundation
Thurston Charitable Foundation
Carolyn Ticknor and Donald Ticknor
Brad and Danielle Tilden
Joseph Tingstad, Jr. and
Carole Tingstad
Jonathan Tisch
Michael and Mindy Tofias
Robin Toft
Holli Tollan
Daniel and Nancy Torchio
Doris Torkelson
Brian and Cori Towne
Michael and Pauline Traino
Laurel and DarrenTrautmann
Nathan and Allison Trinklein
True North Family Foundation Trust
Douglas and Janet True
Larry True, MD and Linda Brown, PhD
Fern Tse
Stavros Tsitsis
Turner Construction Company*
University of California Santa Cruz
David and Shirley Urdal
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Urner, Jr.
USI Insurance Services
Hendrik Uyttendaele
The V Foundation for
Cancer Research
Vaccine Company, Inc.
Vadon Foundation
Clint Valentine
Tom and Margo Van Halm*
Van Sloun Foundation*
Betty Vandermeer and
Frank Vandermeer
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Robert and Ann Vessella
Gary Villella
Georgia and Jeffery Vincent
WaFd Bank
Kenneth Wahlin
Kent Wallner and Kathryn Elliott
Mr. Joseph N. Walter and
Ms. Kathy Mares
Bruce and Peggy Wanta
George and Gegi Ward
Kathleen Warner
Stephen and Mandy Washburn
Washington Research Foundation
Bob and Juanita Watt
Lynda and Todd Weatherby
Webb Family Foundation
Walter Weber, Jr. and Teri Kopp
James Wei and Makiko Takeuchi
Weinstein Family Foundation
Nancy Weintraub and Hal Weintraub
Mary and Joseph Wiese
Wellcome Trust
Michael and Marian Welsh
Linda Wenke
Eileen Glasser Wesley and
Mark Wesley
Eva Westerlind
Stefan and Katharina Wever
Julia White
Marie Louise Legaz Whitley Estate
Curt Wilcox
Shirley J. Wilcox
Christopher L. and Ruby D. Wilde
Frances Wiley
Pat and Loretta Wiley
The Wilkerson Family
David Will and Cynthia Will
William Blair & Company Foundation
William E. Wockner Foundation
Ian and Paige Wilson
Mark C. Winmill
Stephen and Doreen Winslow
Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer
Wise Family Trust
Elsa Wise and Robert Campbell
The Wold Family Foundation
Woldenberg Foundation
Shirley Wood
Jessie and David Woolley-Wilson
Barbara and Richard Wortley
Craig Wrench
Thomas and Patricia Wright
Richard and Anita Wyman
The Yao Yuan Sze Foundation
Richard and Louisa Yarmuth
Lorrin Yee and Winnie Yee
Robert and Carol Yolles
Tucker and Susan York
Tommy H. Yotsuuye
Gary and Lark Young
Melinda Yount and Gene Yount
Maile Zahand
Zent Family Foundation
John and Nancy Zevenbergen
ZGF Architects*
Min Zhong
Greg and Marilyn Zick
Susan Ziegman
Janet Zinn*
President’s Circle includes 37 anonymous donors.
*Charter member
Member roster is up to date as of June 30, 2024.