Working to Integrate and Accelerate
Our clinical, research and administrative teams spent 2023 growing and aligning our operations to accelerate scientific advances into patient treatment options. Over the past year, we have worked to tighten the integration between scientific endeavors and clinical care and streamline our structure. This report documents those efforts and highlights the impact we have on patients in Seattle and beyond thanks to the dedication of our extraordinary workforce, donors, volunteers, partners and broader community.
Land Acknowledgment
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land that touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Duwamish, Puyallup, Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.
Scientific Developments
Fred Hutch research teams advanced our understanding of fundamental biology to inform potential treatments and vaccines for cancer, HIV and related diseases. Precision oncology, immune modification and the intersection of data, technology and science continue to be where we’re looking beyond what is possible today to transform the research and care landscape. In all, our researchers received more than $550 million in grant revenue and 84 patents.
Highlights of Discovery
From advancing the development of potential Epstein-Barr virus vaccines to launching a new center focused on accelerating transformative approaches to metastatic cancer, our scientists pushed human knowledge forward across a wide range of bioscience realms.
Clinical Advances
Across the organization, we’re advancing new approaches from the lab bench to the bedside to improve outcomes for our patients – and for people around the world. And our clinicians and clinical support teams continue to be recognized for the high-quality, compassionate care they provide each day.
Patient Care by the Numbers
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our progress on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) was supported by our steadfast and clear commitments and strategy, reflecting our values and recognizing the urgency of our mission. We are making steady progress — not by any one measure, but in the totality of our efforts to center inclusive excellence and our shared humanity as principles for workplace culture, scientific excellence and compassionate patient care.
Our Community
The trends in cancer incidence and mortality in Washington state haven’t changed in five years, and marginalized communities continue to suffer the most. In 2023, efforts to address these trends were accelerated by the expansion of our Cancer Consortium’s catchment area to include all of Washington state, including 39 counties, 7.7 million people and many more communities in need of cancer and disease prevention, screening and treatment.

First Lady Jill Biden visited Fred Hutch in September.

Thomas Lee was a caregiver for his wife through her pancreatic cancer treatments.

Cecilia Moens in her lab at Fred Hutch.

Drs. Melinda Biernacki, Fred Appelbaum and Thomas J. Lynch Jr. speak at the Legacy Gratitude Luncheon.

Artist Ari Campanella with their art during the PRIDE Mini Parade & PACD LGBTQIA+ Art unveiling.

Dr. Thomas J. Lynch Jr. speaks during the VIDD retreat.

Dr. Scott Furlan cleans paint off of pediatric cancer survivor Caden MacQuarrie.

Staff Scientist Megha Gupta, left, and Research Technician Logan Hargis work in the Vector Core Lab.

Our community engaged with Fred Hutch in many ways this year.
Philanthropic Highlights
Each year, tens of thousands of individuals, families and organizations support Fred Hutch in diverse, powerful and inspiring ways. And 2023 was no exception. From donating online and including Fred Hutch in their estate plans to joining us at events and mobilizing their own networks and employers, supporters tapped their generosity and creativity to fuel the areas of our work that are most meaningful to them. This included accelerating advances in research and care, helping grow the programs that support our patient families during treatment and fostering new generations of innovators through education and training initiatives.
Read more about all of this year's endowed chair recipients.
Philanthropy by the Numbers FY23
A snapshot of support from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Financial and Operational Update
We continue to strengthen our organizational foundation as we look ahead to our future discoveries.
Financial Summary
This financial data is for our fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023). All figures in thousands. Review our complete financial data and impact reporting.
Operating Revenues
Fiscal Year
Total: $2,345,151

Patient Services
$1,171,545 (50.0%)

Contracts and Government Grants
$557,748 (23.8%)

Gifts and Philanthropic Grants*
$515,296 (22.0%)

Investment Income
$39,976 (1.7%)

Other Income
$60,586 (2.5%)
Sources of

Gifts from Individuals

Philanthropic Grants

Planned Gifts

Fundraising and Community Events

Corporate Gifts
Operating Expenses
Fiscal Year
Total: $1,975,745

Program Services, Clinical
$938,670 (47.5%)

Program Services and Research
$709,570 (35.9%)

Management and General
$301,894 (15.3%)

$25,611 (1.3%)
*Reflects funds expended, per GAAP standards.
Our People
Recognizing the people across our organization who helped us reach our goals this year and build toward the future.
Awards and Honors

Dr. Grant King Named a 2023 Damon Runyon Fellow
A Malik Lab postdoc, Grant King, PhD, will study how cells handle extra-chromosomal DNA

Dr. Cecilia Moens Elected Inaugural Member of the Society for Developmental Biology Academy
A developmental biologist, Cecilia Moens, PhD, studies nerve growth in the early brain.

Dr. Phil Greenberg Elected to National Academy of Sciences
A Fred Hutch expert in immunology, Phil Greenberg, MD, has led development of T-cell therapies for cancer.

Dr. Changkun Hu named Jane Coffin Childs – HHMI Fellow
Support will enable Changkun Hu, PhD, to better understand how kinetochore components assemble to create a working kinetochore.

Dr. Aaron Ring
Bioengineer Aaron Ring, MD, PhD, receives Anderson Family Endowed Chair for Immunotherapy

Dr. Roland Walter
Blood cancer expert Roland Walter, MD, PhD, is the recipient of the distinguished José Carreras/E. Donnall Thomas Endowed Chair for Cancer Research

Dr. Mazyar Shadman
Blood cancer expert Mazyar Shadman, MD, MPH, is the recipient of the Innovators Network Endowed Chair

Dr. McGarry Houghton
Lung cancer expert McGarry Houghton, MD, receives Satya and Rao Remala Family Endowed Chair

Dr. Eric Holland
Brain cancer expert Eric Holland, MD, PhD, receives Endowed Chair in Cancer Biology

Dr. Peter Nelson
Prostate cancer expert Peter Nelson, MD, named Stuart and Molly Sloan Precision Oncology Institute Endowed Chair

Dr. Cyrus Ghajar
Breast cancer expert Cyrus Ghajar, PhD, receives Peter S. Lefkarites Memorial Endowed Chair
New Additions

Dr. Sara Hurvitz Joins Fred Hutch, University of Washington
Fred Hutch and the University of Washington Department of Medicine announced the hiring of Sara Hurvitz, MD, as the senior vice president of the Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutch and head of the newly united Division of Hematology and Oncology at the University of Washington Department of Medicine.

Dr. Lawrence Fong to Lead Immunotherapy Integrated Research Center
Lawrence Fong, MD, a genitourinary oncologist and expert in immunotherapy for solid tumors, was hired as the scientific director of Fred Hutch’s Immunotherapy Integrated Research Center (IIRC). He will begin his new role in July 2024.
Fond Farewells
Every Dollar Counts
Support lifesaving discoveries today.
Content direction by David Patton. Layout and Design by Susan Edmonds. Text by Fred Hutch News staff. Photography and videography by Robert Hood, Stefan Muehleis, Connor O'Shaughnessy, Rachelle Pierce and Camila Matamala-Ost
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