At Fred Hutch, we support engaging, challenging and relevant classroom learning experiences for all students by providing access to high-quality instructional materials developed by teachers and scientists. Our Intro to Cancer: Leukemia & Hina's Story Unit has received national recognition as a "Quality Example of NGSS Design" by the NextGenScience Peer Review Panel. SEP's free, open-source lessons and units are geared towards high school biotech and biology teachers and focus on giving students opportunities to explore biotechnology and the social dimensions of research science.
Cancer-Focused Units

Intro to Cancer: Leukemia & Hina's Story
Quality Example of NGSS Design
This storylined unit is intended for high school biology classes and designed for the Next Generation Science Standards. It focuses on the concepts of cell growth, cell cycle, and mutations by using cancer as the anchoring phenomenon. This unit investigates the case of Hina Marsey, an eleven-year old girl, who is diagnosed with leukemia. Students have opportunities to collaborate in model building, discuss health inequities, and practice evidence-based argumentation.
Intro Biology
10 Lesson Plans
Remote or In Classroom

This unit focuses on the topic of cancer, leukemia, and immunotherapies as a way to explore concepts such as the cell cycle, cell growth, the immune system, and genetic mutations. Over the seven lessons, students are introduced to a case study featuring Kristin K., a woman diagnosed with a treatment-resistant form of leukemia and for whom a stem cell donor match could not be found.
Advanced Biology & Biotechnology
7 Lesson Plans
Remote or In Classroom

Illuminating Cancer with Cancer Fighting Proteins
This lesson set focuses on protein folding and structure/ function through a cancer storyline. Student investigate a patient named Cory, who has a brain tumor. They then learn how nature-sourced peptides are candidates for cancer treatments. Using toobers to model protein folding students build protein models.
2 Lesson Plans

Elephants & Cancer
Elephants are the largest land mammals, with huge bodies that are made up of exponentially more cells than smaller organisms – cells that could mutate over their long lifespan. And yet, elephants rarely get cancer. This is thought to be due in part to their extra TP53 tumor suppressor genes, which code for the p53 protein. Through a comparison of elephants, humans, and four other organisms, students learn why elephants’ genetic makeup makes them less susceptible to cancer. Includes a gel electrophoresis lab.
Intro Biology, Advanced Biology, AP Biology
4 Lessons
Remote or In Classroom
Science & Society Units

Elephant Conservation: Ivory Cache
Students follow a storyline that highlights both scientific and sociopolitical aspects of the elephant poaching problem. Students also become detectives, using gel electrophoresis to determine the source of a mock illegal ivory cache. This unit culminates in a stakeholder discussion and student proposals for solutions to poaching that demonstrate consideration for the needs of various stakeholders.
12 Lessons
Remote or In Classroom
Gel Electrophoresis Kit
Elephant Trunk Accessory Kit

Race, Racism, and Genetics
What is race? Students learn about the role of race as an important part of social identity before examining race as a social and political construct influenced and reinforced by bias and structural racism. Analysis of human variation demonstrates that there are no genetic features that are present in all members of one "race" group and not in others. While race is not a genetically meaningful category, it can still impact biology through the enactment of racist policies and practices - which result in inequities in areas such as healthcare.
10 Lessons
Remote or In Classroom

DNA Exonerations
This unit uses multiple real DNA exoneration case studies as a way for students to explore modern day forensics, the criminal justice system, and mass incarceration in the U.S.
7 Lessons
Remote or In Classroom
Gel Electrophoresis Kit

mRNA Vaccines & COVID-19 Testing
In these two lesson sequences, students explore phenomena associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Vaccine Confidence lessons provide an opportunity to introduce or reinforce the concept of central dogma while having students explore what vaccines do and how they protect our communities. In the COVID-19 Testing lessons, students learn about the various testing methods for COVID-19 (PCR and antigen testing) through case studies and evaluate bioethical concerns related to the pandemic.
3 Lessons - mRNA Vaccine Confidence
7 Lessons - COVID-19 Testing and Inequities
Remote or In Classroom
Research Technique Driven Units

A Twist on Strawberry DNA Extraction
This lesson challenges students to design their own experimental protocol to extract DNA from strawberries. By developing their own protocol and presenting their findings in a lab meeting, students learn the importance of making claims with evidence and reasoning and communicating those claims.
1 Lesson
Remote or In Classroom
DNA Extraction Kit

Building Lab Skills
This page contains all of the classic SEP lessons around biotechnology tools and techniques.
Including various lessons on:
- micropipetting,
- gel electrophoresis,
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR),
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA),
- chromotography,
- and bacterial transformation.

Taster PCR
In this lesson, students will predict their phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) Taster Gene status using a bitter food quiz and analyze their own DNA from cheek cells for the presence of the TAS2R38 gene variant that make them able to taste bitterness.
1 Lesson Plan
Gel Electrophoresis Kit

yEvo - Fitness Competition/ Yeast Madness
yEvo is an authentic research experience designed for high school students to observe the process of evolution in their classrooms using yeast as a model organism. This project was created by the Dunham Lab at University of Washington Genome Sciences. SEP is currently supporting yEvo's Azole Resistance Module 4: Fitness Competition/ Yeast Madness.
1 Lesson