At the Fred Hutch Science Education Partnership, we provide professional development for secondary school science teachers to help broaden their understanding of life science research, enrich their pedagogical practices and support their growth as teacher-leaders. In order to borrow kits and supplies, teachers must complete the Summer SEP professional development workshop. However, all secondary science teachers are welcome to attend our school-year workshops or access our curriculum resources. To get updates on our programs and teaching resources, sign up for our mailing list here.
Summer Session | SEP Application Information | School Year Workshops
Summer Session
Our year-round program includes a 3-week professional development program (the Summer Session) in which participants learn molecular biology skills with colleagues from all across Washington state, work alongside scientist-mentors in their laboratories, and develop a curriculum project to share their experiences with their students.

Teaching Lab

Research Lab

Classroom Prep
Teaching Lab
Work with colleagues, lead teachers, and SEP staff learning the key concepts and techniques used in research laboratories, and participate in discussions about integrating research and biotechnology into the classroom.
The application for the 2025 program is now available!
View a PDF Preview of the Application. The online application is now available! Use this application to apply for the 2024 Science Education Partnership.
2025 SEP Summer Application
Middle or high school science teachers, if you are interested in learning molecular biology skills with other teachers, working alongside scientist-mentors in their laboratories, and developing a curriculum project to share your experiences with your students, apply to be part of SEP Cohort 2025! This summer is fully in-person and hosted at the Fred Hutch Campus in Seattle. Opportunities for additional funding and housing are available via the Hutch Access Award (application below).
The online application is now available to apply for the 2025 Science Education Partnership.
Applications are due by March 16, 2025 at 11:59 pm PT. The Recommendation & Support Form is due by March 30th, 2025 at 11:59 pm PT. Please contact if you have any questions.
Phone or Zoom interviews are required prior to acceptance into the program and will be scheduled by SEP staff.
2025 Program Dates
- Virtual Orientation: Sat, May 3, 2025 | 9:00-11:00am on Zoom
- Teacher/Mentor Dinner: Thu, June 26, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm at Fred Hutch - for Puget Sound area teachers accepted into the program
- Summer Session: Mon - Fri, July 7-25 | 9am-4pm daily
- Week 1: SEP Training
- Week 2: Mentored Research
- Week 3: Training Sessions & Work Time
- Fall Kickoff Day: Saturday in early Sept 2025
- Virtual Reflection Day: Saturday in early May 2026 on Zoom
Teacher Info Sessions
If you are interested in learning more or have questions you would like answered, contact Program Manager Regina Wu at to schedule a time to meet.
April 13, 2025: Notification of acceptance
May 03, 2025: Virtual Opening Day workshop/ Orientation
June 26, 2025: Teacher/Mentor Dinner at Fred Hutch for accepted teachers in the Puget Sound area.
July 7-25, 2025: SEP Summer Session at Fred Hutch in Seattle (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm)
Saturday in early September: Fall Kickoff & Kit Sign-Up (9:00a-3:00p)
Saturday in early May: Reflection Day
*All times are tentative and will be confirmed closer to the dates
During the program, participants are required to:
- Keep a laboratory notebook
- Prepare a curriculum project
- Participate in program evaluation
- Commit to attending ALL scheduled days
In addition, your district must commit one day of release time, or equivalent, as evidence of support for your application.
- Participants receive a $2000 participation award for the professional development experience.
- Ongoing access to SEP Kit Loan Program for your entire teaching career including kits, resources, technical support and surplus lab supplies for WA teachers.
- Upon completion of all program requirements, participants may receive either:
- 5 hours of graduate level credit through the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences, or
- Up to 100 STEM clock hours (cost of 50 clock hours are covered by Fred Hutch
The SEP Hutch Access Award provides financial support for teachers who either:
- Come from racial and ethnic backgrounds historically underrepresented in the sciences
- Serve a large (>50%) student population from such backgrounds
- Face other significant barriers to access (for example, teachers who live in areas with limited access to scientific resources or who would otherwise not be able to attend our professional development session)
We provide scholarships up to $3,000 or housing support of equivalent value with funds to support travel. If you would like to be considered, please fill out the Hutch Access Award supplemental application when you apply to the program.
Program perks:
- Participants receive a $1,000 stipend for the professional development experience.
- Upon completion of all program requirements, participants may earn five hours of graduate level credit (at low cost) through the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences or 50 clock hours through WSTA.
- Ongoing access to SEP kits, resources, technical support and surplus lab supplies.
Choosing Between our Professional Development Programs
The SEP Summer Session professional development program is a 3-week summer program focused on developing teachers’ molecular biology skills and pedagogical practices. If you are interested in a more in-depth research experience, Fred Hutch offers two full-summer research experiences aimed at providing teachers with opportunities to conduct scientific research in a mentored research lab at Fred Hutch.
- The Hutch Fellowship for Excellence in STEM Teaching (HTF) is a summer research experience that involves a cancer research experience paired with the design of innovative cancer-focused curriculum materials.
- Partners in Science 2.0 @ Fred Hutch (PS2) is another summer research experience that will appeal to teachers who want to immerse themselves in a biomedical research-focused experience, discover the process of science, and develop their identities as scientists.
For more information on HTF and PS2, please visit the program websites linked above and view a Comparison of our Summer Teacher Programs.
School Year Workshops
SEP offers workshops throughout the school year that are open to all teachers, participation in SEP Summer Session is not necessary.
Upcoming Workshops
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Kit Loan Program and Supplies
Program participants have access to the Kit Loan Program developed and maintained by SEP. Fred Hutch and other funders provide these kits to teachers, free of cost.
These kits offer SEP teachers the opportunity to share hands-on laboratory experiences with students in their classrooms, giving students a unique chance to engage in an authentic, problem-solving approach to science using the same tools and concepts utilized by researchers.

Hutch Teacher Fellows
We offer a fellowship for secondary science educators seeking an in-depth, biomedical research experience at Fred Hutch. The fellowship provides support for two summers of research, with additional school year follow-up. While this program is designed for secondary life science teachers, it’s open to other STEM teachers as well.

Partners in Science 2.0 @ Fred Hutch
A new two-year program for secondary science educators based on the Murdock Partners in Science program. The PS2@FH program matches Partner teachers with Mentor scientists for two paid summers of biomedical research in a host lab.