Hutch News

Fred Hutch adds senior leaders from Celgene and Amazon to board of trustees

Fred Hutch adds senior leaders from Celgene and Amazon to board of trustees

Dr. Corsee Sanders and Sean Boyle add science, technology, finance and innovation expertise to cancer research center’s board
News ReleasesJuly 09, 2019
Matt McIlwain named vice chair of Hutch board

Matt McIlwain named vice chair of Hutch board

The director of Madrona Venture Group has a passion for innovation – and a personal motivation
Hutch NewsJuly 11, 2016
Former Gov. Chris Gregoire among four appointed board members - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Former Gov. Chris Gregoire among four appointed board members - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Others include Theresa Gillespie of Trilogy Partnership, Matt McIlwain of Madrona Venture Group and Southern California real estate financier Norman Metcalfe
News ReleasesJune 21, 2013