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Ephemeral yet consequential: DUX4 activates an early embryonic program in cancer cells
From the Tapscott lab, Human Biology Division

Untangling how body location promotes cancer
Beronja Lab postdoc Rachel Lex receives ACS fellowship to uncover regional factors driving tumor development

How cancer doesn't happen - Part 2
Our bodies can keep tumors at bay, even if our cells harbor cancer-driving mutations

Rethinking why cancer doesn't happen - Part 1
Hutch scientists look beyond DNA to understand how our bodies stop tumors before they start and find new ways prevent cancer

For the first time, researchers identify and isolate adult mammary stem cells in mice
Research implications include breast tissue regeneration and new cancer drug targets

Study Raises Doubt About the Notion of Adult Stem Cell Plasticity
Adult stem cells from bone marrow fail to generate stromal cells after hematopoietic cell transplantation