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Why fish school: Study uncovers genetic link to social behavior
Study uncovers genetic link to social behavior in stickleback fish

MacGyvering lab equipment
From old bicycle wheels to an in-house metalworking shop, scientists get creative when the research tools they need don’t exist

Study sheds light on genetics of how and why fish swim in schools - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Research has potential to help understand complex human social behavior

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientist receives prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship Award
Catherine Peichel studies genetics of variations in body type and behavior between species

Researchers document rapid, dramatic 'reverse evolution' in the threespine stickleback fish
Adaptation coincides with the '60s cleanup of toxic pollution in Seattle's Lake Washington

Researchers document rapid, dramatic 'reverse evolution' in the threespine stickleback fish
Adaptation coincides with the '60s cleanup of toxic pollution in Seattle's Lake Washington