Reaching out to women
Of the panel members, Nicole Price jokes that she is the only speaker without the title “Doctor” or “Reverend” before her name.
“I have a unique perspective,” she said. “I’ve been living with HIV for 14 years.”
As valuable as that perspective is, it is not the only one that Price brings to the table. As program manager for BABES, she is also an advocate and an educator. She follows in the footsteps of HIV-positive women activists such as Elizabeth Glaser, who founded the Pediatric AIDS Foundation after she learned she’d been infected with HIV from a blood transfusion and unknowingly passed on the virus to her two children, and Mary Fisher, who was one of the first women to speak out publicly about acquiring HIV sexually when she addressed both the Democratic and Republican conventions in 1992.
Price learned she had HIV at age 25 after an ex-boyfriend was hospitalized with AIDS. Her experience, she said, is all too typical.
“Women don’t think they’re at risk for HIV,” she said. “They think it happens to gay men. They find out they’re positive when they’re pregnant or when they get sick or when their partner gets sick.”
At the time of her infection, she had been using drugs. The shock of the diagnosis led her to seek treatment for a meth addiction and move from California back to Bothell, Washington, where her mother lives. She’s been clean ever since.
But she still had not yet come to terms with her HIV diagnosis or even talked very much about it. Besides the ex-boyfriend, she didn’t even know anyone else who was positive.
Her mother had heard about BABES, a Seattle-based network of HIV-positive women who provide education and support to other HIV-positive women. Price sought counseling there in 2004 and within months was working as a peer counselor herself. She became program manager in 2011.
In the United States, women make up about one in four people living with HIV. Only about half of women with HIV are getting care, and only about four in 10 have the virus under control.
Globally, the numbers are even higher: About 52 percent of people living with HIV and AIDS in low- and middle-income countries are women, according to the UNAIDS 2013 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.
Some of the barriers to treatment are the same as for men: poverty, lack of access to health care and the lingering stigma that causes people to hide their status or not seek testing. For women, the threat of partner violence and the simple fact that they tend to play the role of caregivers to others, not themselves, also delay care.
“Women in general put themselves last,” Price said. “They put their families, children, home, bills, grocery shopping first.”
Knowing if you are infected and getting and staying on treatment are especially important now that it’s been shown that antiretroviral treatment improves health, extends life and significantly reduces the risk of transmitting HIV to others.
In fact, one of the pleasures of Price’s work is assuring women who have just been diagnosed that, no, they are not facing a death sentence.
Price just turned 40. She greeted the milestone birthday with a far different attitude than many of her friends.
“I’m excited I’m 40,” she said. “At 25, when I was diagnosed, I was awfully scared I wouldn’t see 40.”