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Driver’s ed: watching HSV co-infection and recombination in vivo
From the Jerome Lab, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Division

¿Cada vez más cerca de una vacuna contra el virus de Epstein-Barr?
Del laboratorio McGuire, División de Vacunas y Enfermedades Infecciosas

Two rare antibodies, one drug, four viruses
Researchers discover antibodies to block RSV, other viruses that put transplant patients at risk

Researchers link mutations in coronavirus' internal machinery to higher risk of severe disease
Early COVID-19 patients were more likely to be hospitalized if virus carried genetic trait

Increasing BIPOC inclusion in clinical trials
From the COVID-19 Prevention Network, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Uncovering the secrets of HIV latency
From the Cohn lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Face masks: simple and effective
From the Schiffer group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Genetic variations in CD101 affect HIV risk
From the Lund lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and the Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study

Tip Sheet: Cancer-busting broccoli sprout pills in space, trauma and healing among Indigenous people, how to boost HPV vaccinations
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Investigating the mechanisms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause
From the Fredricks lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and Massachusetts General Hospital

HIV vaccine trials are complicated by the availability of PrEP
World AIDS Day 2020: Vaccine researchers still find ways to run trials amid growing use of HIV-prevention drugs

Fearless Science is ...
Hutch researchers take bold approaches to solving hard problems

Scientists discuss how the pandemic has changed their research
COVID-19 pushes Hutch panelists to apply expertise to tackle an epic scientific and public health challenge

Fred Hutch Evergreen Fund awards six grants to promising projects
Scientists receive up to $200K to boost research for projects deemed to have partnership potential

Computer model offers insights on COVID-19 super-spreading
New research compares transmission patterns of SARS-CoV-2 with those of influenza

Antibodies a hot topic in COVID-19 research
Hutch scientists tap their antibody expertise for new tests, treatments, vaccines

Validating antibody tests to determine SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence
From the University of Washington and the Jerome lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Q&A: Dr. Larry Corey at the center of COVID-19 vaccine research
Fred Hutch scientists will play key roles in 'harmonizing' clinical trials

Targeted single-cell RNA sequencing maximizes cellular information at a lower cost
From the Gottardo, Newell, and Prlic labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Antiviral cytokines pick up T cell slack
From the Schiffer group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division