First and foremost, she said it’s important to acknowledge we’re going through an incredibly difficult — and stressful — time.
“Be kind to yourself and give yourself a little bit of grace during these times, or any time really that’s problematic or troubling,” she said. “Remember this is not forever. It’s a moment in time.”
She also shared practical and scientific insights on how to keep your immune system healthy by eating lots of fiber to support the gastrointestinal tract, where much of our body's health-promoting microbiome is housed. Eating mostly plants — vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes — is what will support immunity, she said.
“You don’t have to be a vegan, but three quarters of your plate should be plant-based foods,” she said.
Her favorite tip? Eat the rainbow, i.e., pack your meals with a variety of colorful fruits and veggies, including skins and peels, which are loaded with fiber and an array of important phytonutrients that help keep your immune system strong.
Processed foods — though convenient — are full of empty calories that don’t give you much in return, she said. By relying too heavily on processed foods, we miss out on a “multitude of nutrients and fiber that help to keep our immune system healthy and robust.”
“Processed foods can have their place at the table, but I encourage people to focus on consuming whole foods the majority of the time,” she said.
Choosing brown rice over white, rolled oats over instant and always eating grains and cereals in the most “whole form possible” is a much better choice if you’re trying to keep your body healthy and strong, she said.
Bake with whole, not processed, ingredients
Ueland offered tips on how to prep for mealtime success, how to use canned foods without feeling guilty and how to pack pasta dishes, one-bowl meals and baked goods with whole-food ingredients that strengthen immunity.
She even validated the country’s current obsession with baking.
“I support people baking at home,” she said. “It’s a lovely way to control what’s going into the foods that we’re consuming. Start with 100% whole wheat flour and use sliced or shredded apples, carrots or different kinds of berries in lieu of refined sugars.”