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Navigating a brand-new cancer diagnosis
Fred Hutch nurse navigation program expands, reducing waiting time for new appointments and treatment

The Beam: Fred Hutch helps NASA develop and launch a patient program; fats during cancer treatment; meet our new provider
Fred Hutch collaborates with NASA; the benefits of adding fats during treatment; new radiation oncologist will focus on gastrointestinal cancers

The Beam: New leadership at Fred Hutch, an in-depth look at medical physics, antioxidants and their role in cancer care, an introduction to new radiation therapist
Dr. Jing Zeng accepts new role; exploring medical physics; nutrition column on antioxidants; meet Tiffany Huang, radiation therapist

The Beam: Proton therapy conference recap, your protein needs during therapy, meet Jillian Wimbery
Annual proton therapy meeting findings, a registered dietitian explains protein's importance during cancer care and our newest radiation therapist

The Beam: 5,000th graduate celebration, the benefits of dark chocolate and meet Tina McCoy
A major patient milestone, nutrition notes on a Valentine's Day favorite and a new team member

When to do what to reduce your risk of cancer
A handy decade-by-decade guide for recommended screenings and other preventive actions

How to survive the holidays with cancer
Scientists, providers and patients offer tips on getting through the season after a diagnosis

Empowering Healthy Eating in Navajo Students Through School Gardens
From the Beresford research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Caregivers know compassion is critical; staying organized is, too
One woman shares tips on caring for a spouse going through blood cancer treatment

The Beam: New breast cancer specialist Dr. Kylie Kang; new role for Dr. Stephanie Schaub and Thanksgiving nutritional advice
Meet our newest doctor, learn about a key provider's new role and some recipes to try for Thanksgiving

The Beam: Janice Kim speaks about breast cancer, meet our new doctor, healthy fall foods
Our expert weighs in on breast cancer, we introduce our new physician, T. Martin Ma, MD, PhD, and showcase healthy food for fall.

Encuesta para evaluar las preferencias y la autoeficacia en las decisiones de alimentación y actividad física
Del Grupo Greenlee, la División de Ciencias de la Salud Pública y el Programa de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control del Cáncer del Consorcio del Cáncer

A survey to assess the preference and self-efficacy of diet and physical activity choices
From the Greenlee Group, Public Health Sciences Division and Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Program of the Cancer Consortium

The Beam: August proton therapy highlights including what cancers affect Asian men, summer hydration tips, and a staff profile
Which cancers affect Asian men; quarterly nutrition column with hydration recipes; dosimetrist Christine Oh.

Not just the “what” but also the “how much” you eat matters
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Study (NPAAS) Group, Public Health Sciences Division

Combatting obesity by inspiring healthy lifestyle habits in rural school systems
From the Ko Lab, Fred Hutch Public Health Sciences Division and the University of Washington

A healthier life: Cook & Move for Your Life program!
From the Greenlee Group, Public Health Sciences Division