Recent advances in statistics and computational techniques as well as experimental technologies are transforming how we generate and analyze data. This big data has big potential. But that potential can only be fully realized through collaboration between researchers with complementary skill sets, approaches and resources.
The Translational Data Science Integrated Research Center (TDS IRC) harnesses these advances and expertise to spur innovation and open up new avenues for preventing and treating cancer and related diseases. The TDS IRC builds on recent data-based advances in the biomedical sciences, including technologies that are driving the generation of massive datasets, the exponential growth of publicly available data, and revolutionary approaches in statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence that are changing data analysis. Researchers in the TDS IRC develop statistical methods and computational tools for managing and analyzing high-throughput, high-dimensional data.

Building on the Progress of the TDS IRC
Dr. Robert Bradley is scientific director of the Translational Data Science Integrated Research Center. He is an accomplished and collaborative computational biologist. Dr. Bradley's portfolio of research interests includes molecular cancer biology, the body’s immune response to cancer and RNA-based cancer therapeutics. His lab also develops computational methods for seeking molecular patterns in large datasets with the hope of shedding light on cancer biology and pointing the way toward new therapies for cancer and related diseases. Some of these projects — like many of those that happen in our Integrated Research Centers — would not be possible without funding sources beyond traditional grants, including the generous support of donors who believe in the potential of the work.
Dr. Bradley's vision for our Translational Data Science IRC is to ensure that data science is fundamentally integrated into the work of as many Hutch labs and across as many research areas as possible. His initial priorities are to recruit more data science experts with interdisciplinary research programs and to promote data science skills and knowledge across all labs.
Our Collaborations
The goal of the TDS IRC is to infuse data science throughout the bench-to-bedside discovery cycle and to fuel new research opportunities by fostering increased interaction between Fred Hutch’s experimental and clinical researchers and their quantitative and computational science colleagues — as well as with external groups.

Immunotherapy Integrated Research Center (IIRC)
Immunotherapy Integrated Research Center (IIRC)
The IIRC creates partnerships that draw on our unique expertise to accelerate the discovery of new immune-based therapies.
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Pathogen-Associated Malignancies Integrated Research Center (PAM IRC)
Pathogen-Associated Malignancies Integrated Research Center (PAM IRC)
The PAM IRC is a center-wide collaboration whose goal is to understand and prevent cancer caused by pathogens.
Learn moreData-Driven Innovations for Patients
A new generation of computational technologies is revolutionizing cancer research. At Fred Hutch, we invest heavily in data science infrastructure and expertise so we can get to new discoveries faster using the vast and growing amounts of available genetic and health data.
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