Building on Our Foundation
As Fred Hutch approaches its 50th anniversary, the steps we have taken in recent years to reshape our organization and unite innovative research with compassionate care are allowing us to gain ground on our goal to prevent and eliminate cancer and infectious disease. From creating more space for discovery to adding new leaders to guide our clinical care, this year built on the foundation established in 1975 and refreshed in 2022 through our merger. This report highlights some of the specific accomplishments of the past year and illustrates our commitment to our patients, our people and our community.
Land Acknowledgment
Fred Hutch Cancer Center acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.
Fred Hutch President Dr. Thomas J. Lynch Jr., who holds the Raisbeck Endowed Chair, discusses leadership and the power of storytelling in a Heart of the Hutch interview with Senior Multimedia Producer Robert Hood as part of Fred Hutch Cancer Center's 2024 annual report.
Clinical Developments
The last two years have seen significant growth in Fred Hutch's patient population as well as changes across our clinical operations with new treatments and new people. We welcomed new leadership in our immunotherapy and nursing teams — and our providers continued to be recognized as the best in their fields and in the region.
Clinical Highlights and Stories
Patient Care by the Numbers
Data from our 2024 fiscal year ended June 30.
Scientific Developments
Our researchers advanced human understanding across a wide range of areas, reflecting the diversity of expertise at Fred Hutch that allows us to develop potential cures for cancer and infectious diseases. Our teams also applied artificial intelligence and other new approaches to match existing treatments to diagnoses or better understand how cancer may be impacting individuals in different ways.
Research Highlights and Stories
Research by the Numbers
Data from our 2024 fiscal year ended June 30.
Philanthropic Highlights
In 2024, supporters from all 50 states rallied behind the pursuit of a shared vision: a healthier future for all. You and other members of our community drew on your motivation, imagination and inspiration to fuel discoveries, whether by scaling the Space Needle, exploring our cutting-edge laboratories, volunteering your time or entrusting us with gifts large and small. And, with a $15 million gift from Carl and Renée Behnke jump-starting our Anniversary Challenge, we’re preparing to enter our 50th year at a moment of stunning possibility in science and patient care. With your help, we’re already looking beyond what’s possible today toward the next world-changing discoveries.
Philanthropic Highlights and Stories
Philanthropy by the Numbers
A snapshot of support from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Every Dollar Counts
Support lifesaving discoveries today.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Fred Hutch remains steadfast and clear about our commitments and strategy for diversity, equity and inclusion, reflecting our values and recognizing the urgency of our mission. We continue to share the progress we’ve made, challenges/opportunities to take our work further, and lessons we have learned.
2024 DEI Annual Progress Report
Our fourth annual Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Progress Report describes our persistence and shares some highlights of our demonstrated work in four key areas: health equity, employee engagement and workforce data, Pathways to Science, and the complementary activities of the DEI Core department and the Office of Faculty Affairs and Diversity. As you read about our work, we encourage you to take careful note of our collaborative efforts, unifying culture, scientific excellence and impact on the patient experience.

Our Community
We would not be successful in achieving our goals each year without the dedicated support of our community. Our patients, our volunteers and our donors, along with many others, allow us to provide the care and gain the scientific insights needed each year as we gain ground on cancer and other diseases.
Our People
We welcomed amazing new folks to our team last year, from established, world-renowned experts to clinical providers and researchers just beginning their careers. We’re growing and evolving our teams to continue to make discoveries that expand the boundaries of scientific knowledge and to spearhead the development of new treatments and care standards that meet patients’ shifting needs.
People by the Numbers
Data from our 2024 fiscal year ended June 30.
Facilities and Campus Update
The acquisition of more than 300,000 square feet devoted to labs and flexible spaces in September addresses the expanding need for space as we advance our research. We renovated office space to create new labs that can quickly accommodate research teams that will be part of our growing Stuart and Molly Sloan Precision Oncology Institute. One of our two patient lodging facilities gained a new name — the Behnke Family House — in recognition of the Behnkes’ extraordinary generosity to our organization. We also added new clinical facilities, including a state-of-the-art skin cancer screening device and a new mammogram van. Philanthropic support, including our Anniversary Challenge, is instrumental to our ability to create and optimize more space for our science.
Financial and Operational Update
We posted solid financial results in clinical and research operations.
Financial Summary
This financial data is for our fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024). Review our complete financial data and impact reporting.
All figures are in thousands.
Operating Revenues
Fiscal Year
Total: $2,064,034

Patient Services
$1,301,802 (63.1%)

Contracts and Government Grants
$516,304 (25.0%)

Gifts and Philanthropic Grants*
$145,774 (7.1%)

Investment Income
$34,241 (1.6%)

Other Income
$65,940 (3.2%)
Sources of

Gifts from Individuals

Philanthropic Grants

Planned Gifts

Fundraising and Community Events

Corporate Gifts
Operating Expenses
Fiscal Year
Total: $2,102,011

Program Services, Clinical
$1,112,183 (52.9%)

Program Services and Research
$755,730 (36.0%)

Management and General
$206,790 (9.8%)

$27,308 (1.3%)
*Reflects funds expended, per GAAP standards.
Content direction by David Patton. Layout and Design by Regina Grant. Text by Fred Hutch News staff. Photography and videography by Robert Hood, Stefan Muehleis, Connor O'Shaughnessy, Rachelle Pierce and Camila Matamala-Ost.
Questions? Contact communications@fredhutch.org.