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Dr. Steve Pergam receives Dr. Ali Al-Johani Award
An expert in infection prevention who is also a 'passionate patient care advocate and an outstanding physician'

Derrumbamiento de mitos médicos: qué es verdad y qué es mentira sobre el resfriado (catarro) y la gripe (influenza)
Le pedimos a un experto en prevención de infecciones que aclare mitos y ofrezca consejos sobre cómo permanecer sano durante la temporada del resfriado y la gripe

Medical myth busting: Separating fact from fiction about colds and flu
We ask an infection prevention expert to bust myths and offer tips on staying healthy during cold and flu season

When the doctor is the patient
A kidney transplant and a cancer diagnosis helped shape the career of infection-control expert Steve Pergam

Protecting the most vulnerable from measles
What a growing measles outbreak means for those with cancer and others who can’t get the vaccine

When a cold can kill: Cancer, transplant patients at risk from ordinary infections
Flu shots, hand hygiene and a healthy fear of public germs can help keep them safe during recovery, experts say