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Dr. Fred Appelbaum receives Lifetime Achievement award
Medical pioneer and longtime Fred Hutch leader honored by American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy

One-in-four cancer patients lack immunity to measles
From the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and the Fred Hutch/University of Washington Cancer Consortium

Fred Hutch and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance awarded Bank of America grant for COVID-19 relief efforts
Money will support purchase of medical equipment and testing development

Drs. Fred Appelbaum and Phil Greenberg elected to AACR Academy
They are among 22 scientists from around the world to join the 2019 class of Fellows

7 lung cancer misconceptions
Myths and misinformation still keep many people in the dark – and that’s bad news for their health

Dr. Phil Greenberg named 2018 Leader in Health Care
Seattle Business Magazine honors cancer immunotherapy pioneer for his work on T-cell therapy

Dr. Goldie Lui receives funding from Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Hutch community mourns Robert W. Day
As president and director for 16 years, Day led Fred Hutch's 'momentous' move to South Lake Union

Good News: NCI awards Dr. Ruth Etzioni 5-year grant to fill gaps in cancer-recurrence data
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

'Pinktober': What Breast Cancer Awareness Month means to patients
Some see it as invaluable for education and advocacy while others, including male breast cancer patients, may feel left out

Antimicrobial stewardship preserves a ‘shared resource’ against drug resistance
Gains in cancer survival at risk due to surge in multi-drug resistant superbugs

Fred Hutch/SCCA transplant rates among best in U.S.
Fred Hutch Bone Marrow Transplant Program recognized for outperforming expected one-year survival rates for allogeneic transplant patients

‘A place where miracles happen’: Opening of Bezos Family Immunotherapy Clinic highlights patient-focused science
Research symposium and ribbon cutting celebrates first-of-its-kind facility for experimental immunotherapies

Dr. Nancy Davidson will build bridges as scientist, physician and leader at Fred Hutch, SCCA, UW
New top hire Dr. Nancy Davidson will continue to build bridges as scientist, physician and leader at Fred Hutch, SCCA, UW

Medical myth busting: Separating fact from fiction about colds and flu
We ask an infection prevention expert to bust myths and offer tips on staying healthy during cold and flu season

‘A life changer’: Losing her partner to cancer helped shape Fred Hutch’s new chief human resources officer
Losing her partner to cancer helped shape life path for Fred Hutch’s new vice president and chief human resources officer

Dr. Nancy Davidson of U Pitt to lead clinical oncology for Fred Hutch / University of Washington Cancer Consortium
She will serve as bridge builder across treatment, clinical and translational cancer research at Fred Hutch, UW Medicine, Seattle Children’s and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to work toward ‘a world without cancer’

Keys to life: Piano man Juan Perez plays, even through pain and cancer
Piano man Juan Perez plays for you, even through his pain

Moonshot meeting: Q&A with nurse on panel with VP Joe Biden
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance’s Dr. Angelique Richard shared her thoughts with the vice president when the moonshot ‘listening tour’ came to Fred Hutch