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Teaming up to understand mysterious microproteins
Dr. Arvind Subramaniam with multi-institutional team receives NIH Transformative Research Award to explore forces shaping microprotein evolution, potential roles in immunity and autoimmunity

Coronavirus’ distant past reveals ancient roots of trait that could help them jump species
SARS-related coronaviruses with theoretical spillover potential more widespread than previously thought

Shedding light on male infertility
Pathway to Independence Award supports postdoctoral research on fast-changing cell structure genes

Age-old arms race points way to new-and-improved antiviral protein
Guided by evolution, scientists create more potent antiviral that unexpectedly continues blocking dissimilar viruses

Grad student Sarah Hilton among 200 chosen worldwide to attend 2018 Heidelberg Laureate Forum
Annual meeting of the minds exposes Hutch trainee to the diversity of math and computer science

Predicting a moving target’s next move
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Adaptive evolution of testis-specific histones: a SeXY conflict?
From the Malik Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Evolutionary biologist Bloom joins Center
Basic Sciences and Public Health Sciences divisions’ Jesse Bloom brings protein evolution, computational expertise to stimulate broad cross-disciplinary research