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Obstáculos relacionados con la interseccionalidad para la atención médica del VIH y las ITS en las comunidades transgénero y no binaria del estado de Washington
Del Comité Asesor de Salud Sexual Trans y No Binaria de Seattle (STARS por sus siglas en inglés) y del Grupo Duerr de Resultados, Prevención y Epidemiología del VIH (HOPE por sus siglas en inglés)

Intersectional barriers to HIV/STI healthcare among Washington State transgender and nonbinary communities
From the Seattle Trans and Non-binary Sexual Health (STARS) Advisory Board and the Duerr HIV Outcomes, Prevention and Epidemiology (HOPE) Group

Win-win! A youth health training program could improve HIV service delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa
From the Duerr lab, Public Health Sciences Division

New trial aims to curb HPV-related cancers in HIV+ women and children
International ‘dream team’ to use new technologies and prevention approaches to help those at highest risk

Sabes study fuels comprehensive HIV research
From the Duerr lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and collaborators

STEP analysis confirms higher HIV risk in some vaccine participants
Ann Duerr follow-up study of experimental HIV vaccine verifies certain subgroups had increased risk of becoming infected after vaccination; risk decreased over time