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Fred Hutch receives funding to advance Indigenous cancer health equity
Cooperative agreement will support work on smoking cessation, lung cancer screening, patient navigation and more

Polygenic risk scores and prostate cancer
New research shows genetic risk scores could help distinguish who can cut back on ‘active surveillance’

Fred Hutch receives $2M gift to endow the Bob and Pat Herbold Computational Biology Chair for the Herbold Computational Biology Program
Establishment of new chair will drive innovations in cancer research

For Fred Hutch biostatisticians, numbers are no game
Meticulous work at the SWOG Statistics and Data Management Center, housed at Fred Hutch, may alter care for bladder cancer and lymphoma

Vaccine targets that accommodate evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants
From the Overbaugh Lab, Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Here comes the sun! What’s your skin strategy?
Avoiding sunburn is the first step in preventing deadly skin cancer melanoma

Breast cancer screening guidelines change — again
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends mammograms every other year for those at average risk, starting at age 40

Alcohol, cannabis use after cancer: ‘eye-opening’ prevalence
Fred Hutch researchers surprised after digging into patients’ use of substances after diagnosis

Clinical trials excluding fewer cancer patients with brain ‘mets’
In other news, 1 in 5 people with cancer participate in research studies

Tackling breast cancer disparities
From the Henderson lab, Public Health Sciences Division and Cancer Prevention Program

The role of diet in breast cancer
From the McTiernan research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Exploring protein quantity and quality in Malaysian diets
From the Drewnowski research group, Public Health Sciences Division

When to do what to reduce your risk of cancer
A handy decade-by-decade guide for recommended screenings and other preventive actions

Winning the Battle Against Smoking: A Digital-Medication Approach
From the Bricker research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Tailoring Technology: A Milestone Study in Physical Activity Tracking for Older Adults
From the Chongzhi Di research group, Public Health Sciences Division

New projects advance health equity research
Two $1M grants support efforts to pinpoint novel prostate cancer biomarkers, improve clinical trial enrollment and inclusion

How do we increase equity in cancer care?
HICOR’s Value in Cancer Care Summit brings together stakeholders to discuss barriers, pain points and solutions

3 new grants power colorectal cancer studies
Research will focus on CRC in Alaska Native people, gene + environment interactions and how systemic racism impacts care

Using a mouse model to combat the effects of lipodystrophy
From the Kensler Lab, Public Health Sciences Division

New study of Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations gets $38.7M grant
Fred Hutch will act as coordinating center for large study of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases in overlooked populations