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Oral vaccine could have halved Haiti’s cholera epidemic
VIDD study shows need for comprehensive global action plan, strategy to reduce cholera-related mortality in developing countries

Pandemic flu may be well mitigated until a vaccine is available
Researchers model flu to help guide national pandemic planning

Study confirms limited human-to-human spread of avian-flu virus in Indonesia in 2006
New software will provide first real-time analysis of such infectious-disease outbreaks

Study finds mass vaccination unnecessary in the event of a large-scale bioterrorist smallpox attack in the United States
Prompt surveillance and containment of victims would effectively thwart an epidemic

Supercomputers simulate flu pandemic
Collaborators use powerful computer models as virtual laboratories to predict possible course of pandemic bird flu in the United States and develop strategies for slowing its spread

Researchers Call for Nationwide Community Study to Evaluate the Effects of Vaccinating School Children Against Influenza
If successful, such an undertaking may help prepare the U.S. to handle an avian-flu pandemic